Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

Very soon you’ll be able to get bananas any shape you want.

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1950s style street parties will be mandatory EVERY weekend.

Victoria Sandwich obviously.

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This is what a hard Brexit looks like to me:


Bananas, street parties and cake, eh?

I wish it could be Brexit every day.


The extreme right of the Conservative party (along with Dacre & the Barclay Brothers) will see that it’s as hard a Brexit as it can be. They are going to own this disaster completely.

The trouble is that May could emerge from the Brexit negotiations clutching nothing but a turd in carrier bag and still be odds on for another term.

WTF is Corbyn doing? Is he still alive?

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Rumour is that the Tories will arrange an election for this autumn while Jeremy, or at least the whiff of him, is still around on the basis that that’ll mean they literally won’t be able to lose.


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I thought they pulled some weird shit with the Lib Dems when they were in coalition that made that almost impossible wihtout a vote of no confidence? (I could have made this up entirely / be hallucinating badly)

Yeah, yeah, but when keeping the country in Tory hands is ‘overwhelmingly in the national interest’ then they can arrange to win a vote …


That makes sense. The hideous outcome of the negotiations won’t be apparent by then, and Jeremy will still be Jeremy.

It will be carnage.

I would like to hear deafening noise. Powerful, pointed challenges. Concerted well orchestrated, intelligent, political pressurized attacks from Labour. I would like to hear a rallying cry for truth. I would like to hear well structured debate that spills into the minds of the masses. I would like to see the media dominated with consistent coverage of facts and issues that surround a Tory Brexit.
Instead, nothing… There is no opposition. Labour is currently spineless, toothless and debilitated - floundering about in a non issue, non committal, vapid, powerless, petty, pity-party.


Labour is crying out for a John Smith type character now. How can nobody have been along in the last 25 years?


Nah, they won’t reach those dizzy heights for some time yet, but Jezzer is working on it. I believe the aspiration is to achieve laughable incompetence by September, before making the big push towards complete irrelevance by Christmas.
It’s hard work, that politics lark.


The problem Labour has is clearly evident in an otherwise safe seat such as Stoke. Opposing Brexit more vociferously might play well in London, Bristol & Manchester but in many of their traditional constituencies it would simply trigger an exodus to UKIP.

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Blair the b’stard did for Labour. He’s fucked them over totally, as nobody now knows what they stand for and what principles Labour have. So the SE masses vote Tory.

As a Labour voter, Corbyn is unelectable.



Corbin appears more comfortable projecting his jaded 1980’s woodwork teacher persona (I am certain his breath smells acutely of discount whisky, roll ups and instant coffee) than actually leading a political party. When the brown bomb of Brexit hits home in Labour held constituencies who will the angered bigots blame? They didn’t vote for UKIP.

“We didn’t understand…You should’ve told us…You should’ve done something”

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Let’s see what happens in Copeland, a far better test than Stoke.

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That goes for every party though, at the moment. The Tories are pragmatic - they will do whatever will keep them in office. Labour seem to have secret principles that they are a bit ashamed of, so can’t talk about, and they will do whatever will keep them in opposition. The Lib Dems seem decent but anonymous and untrusted. The Scottish Nationals stand primarily for something that they know they won’t get, and the least said about UKIP principles the better. It’s a sad time in British politics.