Brexit - Creating a Cuntocracy - Now with 4d chess option

I imagine they also knew that the Conservatives would have done exactly the same.

Yep. I would think so.

It was actually 2005 and the alternative was Michael Howard. Nuff said.

Ah yes, 2005. As for there only being one alternativeā€¦ you know my thoughts on that :slight_smile::persevere:

Where is Richies ā€˜Smell ya Maā€™ pic when you need it?

Yer Maw.

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Ahā€¦ Pope Salmond. Proving that you can divide a nation by just one sign

The important difference between Bliar being re-elected and Brexit is that the latter is a single issue. Bliar was re-elected for a range of reasons; Iraq would have counted against him, but there were many other factors. And fundamentally you donā€™t actually get to vote for the leader anyway.

So when we look back on history after Brexit had become a monumental fuckup, we can explicitly blame those that voted for it. You canā€™t really blame anyone for certain specific actions of a leader of a party that they had voted for, as there would have been many potentially complex reasons for that vote, and you canā€™t trust politicians to actually do what they say they will anyway. But Brexit is different.


However, Mr. MWS will not conform to social norms - The mainstream is poisoned

As in collarā€™s.



Brexit negotiation table.


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Is there any good news at all?

The economists think weā€™re fucked.

Businesses think weā€™re fucked.

Itā€™s in the EUā€™s interest to ensure we are fucked (pour encourager les autres).

The Tories are rubbing their hands at the prospect of being able to rewrite swathes of inconvenient legislation on human rights, protection for workers etc etc.

The only way we can avoid being fucked is to give up the (plastic) holy grail of control of our immigration policy (which is what swung the brexit vote in the first place). Even if (by some miracle) we manage to wangle a deal that doesnā€™t involve free movement (not happening), the Scots will probably vote to leave the UK in order to remain in (or rejoin) the EU, creating the prospect of a hopelessly porous, totally unmanageable hard border. A situation far worse than the one we have now. The irony is off the scale.

The perfect (shit)storm.

It doesnā€™t take a great deal of imagination to work out the worst case scenarios, but there must be SOME good news?



On the plus side, I have established that my whole family would qualify for tartan passports. Och aye the noo.

Yes, but think about the Ā£350,000,000 a month going to the NHS. Itā€™s true I tell ya - I saw it written on the side of a bus


That same bus had ā€˜Clean me, Iā€™m a filthy fuckerā€™ scrawled on the back.

Strangely, that didnā€™t get reportedā€¦

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The EU institutions may wake up to the fact that their electorate(s) are pretty pissed off with them. As a consequence they may reform themselves (at least a bit) so that the decisions they end up making are subject to (at least a bit) more oversight/direction from those electorate(s). This might be thought of as a benefit. But not to us of course, since we will be out. However we can bask in the warm glow of the knowledge that our sacrifice has benefited others. Think of it like starving yourself or setting yourself on fire in a public place to make a point.



There has to be a wall somewhere.