Bristol stationary show 24

A contribution to the forum running costs will secure :+1:


That’s a mighty leap-up from the Mk1 version which was under £300 when I bought one!

Useful for basic valve “health check” and overall quality - i.e. “Will it kill my amp, Y/N?”, but not much else.

Meh, until you get a Kondo fan and linen tote bag you’re just an amateur.


I’d be deeply embarrassed if Ashizawa caught me helping myself to Kondo goodies!


pm me an address & I’ll post the Rega bag (which needs ironing!)

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Temptation would be strong


Guess I’m a pro then :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I called in a room on Friday …They had an Audio Origami tonearm with a Dynavector Cartridge on a LP12 turntable.Any idea what make they were? .it may have been in Fyne Audio room…

My haul was a Rega tote bag ,nice notebook and pen from Clarity Cap Capacitors …Unable to get a Dali mug ,rep denied they gave them away …sawa pair of Sugden mugs but rep wouldn’t budge on giving me one .also got a Hifi Pig t shirt and mat …overall a decent weekend


Dali rep probably correct.

Would’ve liked a Sugden mug, didn’t see those.

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Apparently Dali rep had to use a plastic cup all weekend,as someone nicked his mug Friday


The Dali man was most surprised that a mug had changed hands .anyway it’s a good addition.

.Any heads-up on the Audio Origami tonearm and Dynavector cartridge models that were on the Lp12 in one of the rooms …I would have thought someone must have heard/seen them

There was 2 to the left on some amps …evidently came from the factory and were going back there …I even came up with a story saying we from a hifi forum had a competition each year to see who could get the best freebies and so far a Dali mug was winning but in my opinion a Sugden mug would top that :blush: but too no avail :joy:

There’s a long film here covering the show so you may be able to find the room in that. The exhibitors are displayed for each segment.

Does appear to be the Fyne Audio room at about 1:20

Pu7 arm?
XV-1t cart?

It’ll have to wait to pay day, but yes I’ll stick some in the AA funds :+1:, brill cheers.

From Loud and Clear Facebook page.


Precision cloth mat :thinking:

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