Less of the DUP twaddle there @coco. Tiocfaidh ár Buns and all that…
You are dead to me Prof…
Define your terms !
I don’t give the cats cnut what Hestontwistyoutoftheboxboi comes up with, some of it might even be nice? - BUT - IT - IS - NOT - A - HCB.
If anyone is inclined to experiment, please have the creativity and integrity to come up with a name for your perversion. DO NOT PIGGYBACK THE HCB / THE MIGHTY MINCE PIE etc you will just come over as a ligger, and that is in no way appetizing.
Not an approval, just offering further proof of Heston’s degeneracy.
Excellent. That’ll have the pitchfork wielding bunz research group (BRG) riled up.
Cunt is like jive bunny
Make your own buns bloominghell

Tiocfaidh ár Buns
Take our buns??

Take our buns??
Our Buns Will Come! Tóg ár buns is take our buns
LOL, I was pulling you leg.

LOL, I was pulling you leg.
Go raibh tocaís siorraí ar do mhagalaí
(Not sure about the spelling there at all.)
Hole thread is full of TENSE people who need a Pacifying WankTM - HCBs exist to be split in half, toasted until there some black edges, slathered in the saltiest butter science can devise, and then eating as tho’ One is a famished wolverine.
Contents of said bun are minor details; albeit, salted caramel and Marmite would probably be a new kind of extreme and ultimate Perfection mind

Contents of said bun are minor details; albeit, salted caramel and Marmite would probably be a new kind of extreme and ultimate Perfection mind
Get. To. Fuck.
See my previous post.

Go raibh tocaís siorraí ar do mhagalaí
Google translate says…
“That your mags had sherry toxins”
I’m afraid my spelling is shot. It should translate as ‘may you have an eternal itch on your bollocks’…