Not a hot cross bun. Some sort of cheesy bun obscenity.
Not a hot cross bun. Some sort of chocolaty or caramelish bun obscenity.
Obvious cheesy bun is obvious.
Normally, when I have hotX bunz I toast them and spread life-shortening amounts of butter on them, but this year I will be enjoying them spread liberally with your Tears of Rage…
Criticising marmite can get to fuck
Bees make honey; wasps make marmite
I forgot another Simmons hot x bun. anointed with delicious stuff (butter and marmite). Bit claggy this time
M&S mistakenly purchased gluten free…
A stout application of the birch should see to it that the miscreant never transgresses the bounds of decency again.
Do you have sympathy for the plight of @freefallrob now?
I have sympathy for people with a club foot, but it doesn’t make me want to wear an orthopedic boot.
It’s a harsh world we live in
Has Heston done a take on Hot X Buns yet? With additional seaweed & coffee flavouring? The cvnt.
I hope so, just to annoy the conformists. Conformists are like the DUP of buns.
Fits just as well in this thread
Stupid forum gets upset when you have more than one tab.
Now fixed. (And don’t ask why it ended up in computer games on the first move )