Car Insurance

Got a shock last night
Nothing has changed since last year when my insurance cost £498.
Just had my renewal at £984 100% increase.
Best I can find so far is £700 on comparison sites an increase of 40%
What the heck is happening???

That mirrors my experience. 40% increase was the best I could find.

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My insurance went from £440 to £586 (33% increase). It’s still a lot of money for a 1L Fiesta.

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3 became 8 hundred.

Not much you can do!

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Mine hardly went up,maybe £20 or so.

Seems like everyone is just taking the piss in everything.

I’ve never known prices of everything shoot up so quick,and by so much.

Bloke from Cornwall was saying yesterday that he has never known Easter so quiet.


Similar story. Both cars same as last year, motor cycle cover actually went down by £20. I am an old bastard so guessing that helps.

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Dreading my bike renewal after 2 thefts.

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The Great British public getting the p!ss ripped out of them as usual.
UK car insurance cost up by third but just 2% in France | Car insurance | The Guardian

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Its getting past a joke what we have to put up with in this country.


Just rang my Insurance company to tell them I’m not renewing.
And surprise surprise
They found a way to reduce the policy cost to £680
This kind of thing makes my blood boil,

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No renewal for me this year as a comparison as John Lewis Finance have discontinued their insurance side.
I look forward to be outraged in the upcoming 6 weeks :roll_eyes:

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This sounds vaguely similar to something I saw on Reddit.

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Similar here I think. Claire used to do the car insurance and I paid little attention to how much it cost. When she died they (it happened to be the RAC) had to cancel the policy, although they do give 30 days grace since, obviously, bereaved people have got more important things to worry about. A quick trip to the meerkats came back with the cheapest deal from the AA - rather less than £300 for an old ordinary car, low annual mileage, £500 excess on top of theirs, now just old ordinary me driving.

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Remember to get your request for a quote in around the three week till expiry mark as well. If you go too early or wait too close to the renewal date they screw you there as well.


When is the best time to renew car insurance? – MSE (


For the second year running, my insurance company tried to hit me with an 80% increase. I have found ringing them up and asking them to cancel the policy before renewal helps. By a miracle, on each occasion they managed to keep it down to about 5 % increase. I could do without wasting half an hour on the phone with them each year doing this though.

Although Brexit ( obtaining parts) and generally being ripped off in this country are major factors, is it possible that insurance costs for some electric cars are being spread out among every type of policy? I guess this would also be the same across the continent though, and they are not seeing the same increases.


An article on Radio 4 recently partly blamed increased repair costs from electric cars. They also mentioned that a new bumper on some BMW models is now £5,000!

Mini went up from £130 to £160 last August so I just missed the start of the massive increases.

Just did a quote for 25 days time and it says £260, expect that to be more by august :frowning:

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Why would repairs on EVs be more expensive?

They said that they contain lethal voltages, so working on them was more complicated. If the batteries get damaged they can’t repair them. Due to a variety of reasons, they are more likely to be written off.


Newer tech, fewer parts available, fewer specialists, bigger non serviceable assemblies.