Cocktail hour

I’ve got the kindle version of this, lots of classic older cocktail recipes, 750 in all…

You’d prolly find a hard copy version that lived in the bar area quicker & easier for looking stuff up, as the kindle version isn’t that great for quickly cross referencing accurately from the table of contents as there’s no option to do this tbh.

Quite a lot of classics & interesting lesser known cocktails.


I have this too

but I find it completely impenetrable. Perhaps there are better editions, with at least one index if not more.


TBH I mostly google cocktail recipes, fer ones that aren’t firmly lodged in the old noggin, which is a surprising amount, these days. I pretty much always have a tablet to hand at home. I quite often come upon interesting variations or slightly related cocktails as suggestions too, this way.


Thanks chaps, will give both a go!

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As fans of cocktails in the shrink household, my other half bought me a bottle of orgeat for Xmas!

Let the Mai Tai’s commence!

Usually my favoured home cocktail is “the south coast”

A wonderfully complex combination of peated whisky, ginger, white aperitivo of some kind (cap corse or cocchi americano work well), and maraschino!

As pictured here with home made pizza!


Expect a ban from @coco for what looks like mushrooms on that pizza.

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This was a “what’s left in the fridge” pizza! We had a few slices of pepperoni from an antipasti plate, and two mushrooms!

Ready steady average


Both look excellent.

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I’d also suggest a few YouTube guys. Anders Erickson, how to drink, and educated barfly.

They often have loads of classics as well as good riffs and new originals, as well as lots of back story. They’re how I learned to make most of my favourites like:

Queen’s Park hotel super cocktail


Thanks for the recommendations

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Over the holidays finally polished off a bottle of Campari I’ve had around for about 25 years.
Never really liked the stuff, think I bought it for mixing up Negronis at a Christmas gathering. Recently discovered I quite enjoy it with orange juice :slightly_smiling_face: