Computer games and that

ditch the mac

do a DSE test

Iā€™d love to but itā€™s company provided. Yeah Iā€™ve done all the ergonomics shite and videos before. Will look at kit this weekend I think

The apple keyboard is Ā£149 (lol)
Would prefer generic anyway I think. But thatā€™ll just cripple me also. Le sigh

Have you tried split keyboards? Donā€™t know the specific issues you have with ergonomics so a bit of a wild guess. I used to work for these guys the product is solid, but they are quite attached to the ortholinear layout which doesnā€™t work for everyone. In fact, Iā€™ve a spare one back home I can ship to you I think. Their support is also absolutely top notch.

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If I had a grand to spend there, I would spend Ā£400 on two decent 24" monitors, Ā£50 on a decent Logitech keyboard mouse setup, Ā£50 on some random webcam and Ā£500 on a chair.

Edit: and Ā£15 on a wi-fi dongle with a big aerial if your MacBook doesnā€™t like being put away.


Thatā€™s good plans

Or one massive one

75mm max clamp width
desk thickness ā€¦ 78mm

Might take a chisel to it

Christ just get a stand that fits your desk and the monitor that you want

The complications!!1

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Can you address me as Christ from now on please

You suggested a pink one on purpose you bast! :joy:

Now you must buy it

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GT 7 get

Get ready for a pasting from @Tons_of_fun


Amazing, but I did expect it to malfunction and crash for maximum Boeing authenticity.


Iā€™ve been playing Bloodborne and really enjoying it. Most Iā€™ve enjoyed any game for a long time. I actually installed it a couple of months ago and quickly uninstalled because I couldnā€™t get out of the first area and couldnā€™t make much sense of what was going on. Now Iā€™m about 50% of the way through I think. Just brilliant

Iā€™m scared of those soulslikes, they look hard af

Iā€™ve taken more hours than seems to be the norm to get to where i am, and i think i am at a higher level than recommended at this stage- i spent a lot of time exploring and practicing in early areas because i was enjoying it, and used the xp to level up- but i am really enjoying it. Iā€™ve tried not to read too much online as iā€™ve gone through- mainly reading about areas/ bosses after Iā€™ve beaten them, but there is so much properly obscure stuff that a bit of reading adds to the experience in my opinion. There are a lot of jaw dropping moments just from clever game design and the difficulty makes it properly exciting. Every session has a good few adrenaline rush moments.

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