Computer games and that

Haha, I tried writing a justification for the nag, Thoroughbred, impeccable pedigree, trained by Dan Skelton, only cost £2k because she’s too slow (this is relative thing, she’s fast as fuck compared to 99% of other horses,) so my argument was going to be vs a £6k machine the spare £4K buys a lot of food/bedding/stabling/insurance/farrier…

Then I realised I was typing bollocks, because £4K buys about 2 years of all that shit, and that’s DIY livery, so just a roof, basically. One of FoL#2s mates parents run a stable (very posh, admittedly) that’s £450 a week for full livery.

You wouldn’t get that on Universal Credit!

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It’d be ok on Tory MP expenses, just don’t mention the central heating

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£85 later I have enough clearance to remove a game

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You paid £85 for some sticks?



Yes! The racks were over a grand so :man_shrugging:




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Next week.
That’s my spare time shafted for weeks. I can’t wait. The first was superb. This is getting perfect scores all round.


This is a 1978 Atari CTF-1 test rig. Used to test Atari games to see if they worked.


Things you didn’t think you needed.

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Because emulators are for lamers

If you were to buy a new PS5, would you go for the disc or digital version?

I’m leaning toward the Disc version because I’m hopelessly addicted to physical formats. I like that I can buy cheap 4K DVDs and games from CEX and I don’t like the idea of paying a subscription for games, cos I don’t actually game that much, and, of course, cheap CEX stuff…

O the other hand, I can’t remember the last time I bought a DVD ( well, I can, The Rise of Skywalker, because I have all the other ones…)

I’m a curmudgeonly cunt who doesn’t like playing online because I hate being killed by 12 year olds so prefer solo gaming.

I suspect I’m answering my own question here, but why would you buy the digital over the disc version?

I bought disc.

Don’t use disc.

Actually re-bought things as download for which I already had disc.

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So if I buy disc, can I haz ur discs?

Benefit of a disc is you have a Blu-ray player.
And you can sell games on. And buy them cheap when the hype dies.
Downside is the fact you need the disc in it to play.
I have the disc. Then you can have best of both worlds. Both do the same job.

The recent COD disc had virtually no data on it… which shows you how things are moving.


The digital only ones are meant to go hand in hand with the sub. I bought the Xbox series S, no disc player, but with Xbox game pass you have loads of games all the time. Honestly it’s a great deal.


The fecking vultures on this place :laughing:

Ooh, there might be free stuff.

I suspect that it would cost me more to post the discs than it would cost you to buy the games second hand on eBay.

On a related note, my entire PS5 wish list got discounted by (mostly) 50% yesterday. I presume Sony are doing something related to black friday.

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Yes, relieve you of shed loads of cash!