Covfaffe - the road to despair, calling at futility and disappointment

We still really like this. Ain’t fancy, but it makes a nice cuppa imo.


We use it in a non fancy coffee machine too. It makes coffee that we like.

Have you ever thought of getting a Bose Wave Radio?
Mediocrity comes in many forms

It is just coffee. I like it.
The cup size on the machine comes up a bit small, which did irritate at first. You can change the grind of the beans with a little dial, but I have left it in the middle.
The milk frothed thing is quite nice. It froths the milk up. I like to be a little bit crazy and froth the milk up in the cup and then add the coffee sometimes.

Are you sure that it isn’t going straight to sour if you grind coarser, have you tried grinding finer to see if that works? If you are getting the apple tasting note, it would perhaps indicate that you already have the acidity coming through.

Easy to confuse bitter and sour…

With some coffees, the sweetspot is on a knife edge. I’ve found this to be more common with medium-darker roasts. Also, as the coffee de-gasses, the sweetspot will change. I find I need to grind progressively a little coarser as the coffee ages until the bag is finished and then the process starts again at the finer setting with the next bag.

And yes, different filters will have different flow rates. Find one you like and stick to it, they can be radically different!


I tried grinding finer and it tasted unpleasant - neither bitter or sour, just… burnt maybe. It could be my palate isn’t refined enough yet to accurately distinguish the finer gradations between bitter and sour.

So I think this is a darker roast - I don’t know how dark on the scale but the beans are definitely darker in appearance than the Fazenda Inhame I previously had. That said, what I think is the sweet spot (where I can taste the apple notes at least) is about the same grind setting as with the Inhame.

For reference the Uniform recommends settings 14-28 for pour over (it goes from 1-41). The Inhame sweet spot was #22. I’d have thought due to the darker roast the setting would need to be higher, but I’ve found about #21-22 gives the apple notes, and #23-24 starts to taste a bit burnt/bitter.

It could be I still don’t know what I’m really meant to be looking for in taste.

Interesting, thanks. I’d noticed the Inhame was starting to taste a little bitter and guessed it was due to it de-gassing, but wasn’t sure what I should do about it. Will try coarsening the settings.

I’d started with Hario papers and when they ran out switched to the ones I had to hand. Any recommendations for best papers, would these be good?

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Those are the papers I use.

What method are you using with pourover?

Dis one…


Not used it myself, but do your draw down time match? Do you ever find it choking and not drawing down?

If your times match then you will be in the right area and then it should be adjusting to taste/beans etc.

If your times vary greatly then grind to time then adjust and taste.

The draw down times do roughly match yes.

If I go too fine or use water straight off the boil I taste more of the burned/roasted flavour, which I dislike.

You’re doing better than me if you’re tasting fruit notes haha, cant for the life of me pick stuff out like that.

I don’t think I could describe anything I’ve had yet as having sweetness but the packets say they are sweet.

Buy a really light roast maybe, for comparison.

We should have a bean club where we all buy the same bean to make a pour over and see what we all think…maybe.

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You’ll need to make videos to ensure comparisons are valid so everyone would need to buy the same soundbar too.


Don’t make me unmute those threads just to find out what this soundbar shit is about.


Soundbar = loads of shitty little speakers in a cheap case that kind of looks like a bar, but kind of sounds like a turd.

Hoffmann’s knitwear in that vid looks like when your kid sister got all the colours of your new Plasticine and mixed them up in one ball. :weary:

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What would you recommend?



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Ok, you post first.