Covfaffe - the road to despair, calling at futility and disappointment

How long do you find the filters last for you? They aren’t cheap

The water here is really hard so I use bottled water, £1.40 for 5l so more expensive than Brita filters but less hassle.

Hope it’s filtered or distilled or deionised bottled water you mean, not standard bottled mineral water.
The clue is in the word mineral - there will be as much dissolved solids in that as your hard tap water.
It’s the dissolved solids that scale up your machine.

Nope mineral water, even that is a fraction of the hardness of the water round here. My water supply comes from the chalk aquafers in the hampshire downs so you can use it to write on a blackboard.

Was reading that you shouldn’t use distilled water in coffee machines as the calcium and magnesium is an aid to flavour.

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About 3 months @ 5l a week.

Will last longer in softer water areas.

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Depends on what minerals.

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Yep, I use a water filter cartridge specifically for hot drinks which allows some desirable minerals through.

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new stuff



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Found a puddle of water under the vivaldi, not a good look. Quick strip down revealed the split flowmeter housing was pissing itself. New one of them then.

Quick Internet search, £200 quid landed from the States for new model of flowmeter and replacement conector, fuckety fuck.

Quick ring to Espresso machine repair man. Non repairable unit, we’ll have to import that from Italy sir, £235 and £70 to fit plus two round car trips of 100 miles.

Non repairable…hmmmmm, 3 m4 cap heads later and the flowmeter was split.

Obvious blown o seal, measured up and bought replacement, fitted and fixed , £4.30.


Excellent Bob! :grinning:

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Just dialed it into this, bloody magic. The smell of the beans, just one they were going to have that lovely long lasting sweet and friuty aftertaste. Pungent, honey, chocolate, flowery top, just love coffee like this.


Trying out the Rok dripper which I treated myself to for my birthday which has been sat gathering dust since then. Coffee is Pebble and Pine Kenyan, which I have really enjoyed and got through it way too quickly, using the new Timemore C3 grinder and the Timemore scales. The hand grinder makes a better grind than the electronic one I had, although I wouldn’t dismiss that one entirely. Had to buy a little blue spray bottle as the static from these beans with the grinder was making things a bit too messy.

Not sure about the Rok against the V60 yet, need to try it out more.


Using 5 pours method as Ritchie guided me (trying to do the higher pour thing initially too, at the end). I have went a couple of clicks coarser recently which instead of being very sour as I expected it’s given better flavour. I had a :exploding_head: moment when I got one of the tasting notes (pineapple) today. Wow, I’m still doubting I can get all the flavours picked out that are mentioned with beans but there is a glimmer of hope now.

Still using this dripper and now in two minds about bothering with another as I’ll be starting all over again, so probably best to just keep with what I know for a while yet.


Are you just filling the Rok right up in a single pour?

I have come to the conclusion that pods are crap !

I have suffered for my art over the last few weeks in both hotels, and people’s homes.

At one point I thought it was something I was doing, so I got someone else to make it.

But no, they all taste stale !


Haha, the price of that. Just buy a Bambino and only use the steam wand.

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No I’m doing a bloom first, wait 45 seconds, and then a single continuous pour after that. Coming in at about 3:30 mins including the bloom.

folding the filter is a bit fiddly, even with the tool they give you, but I am starting to get really consistent brews out of it.


Will keep it in mind, thanks.

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