A reverse crack snacks. Bought some Old Jamaica for the first time in about a decade.
Cadburys is in the mud. Terrible stuff.
I bought two fucking bars too. Conniptions incoming.
Thankfully Crunchies and Picnics are still sufficient.
They only get away with it because the middle bits are so epic. It feels like Kraft have slain a national treasure.
I share your grief, but Cadburys has been on a downhill trajectory for my entire life, and I haven’t bought any of their products in about half of that time - it’s all sugar-loaded, bulking-agented, flavourless, utmost shite.
Doesn’t last long at Waxy Towers
Chocolate with salted crisps has been one of my favourites since childhood
Make them 3 times the size?
Milk chocolate Hob Nobs!
I’ll eat them until I explode. There is no upper limit, preferably with lots of strong tea!
And gout!
Yay! Mortality!
We all have to die of something
I’ll take whisky and hob nobs for 400 please Alex
I admire your ambition
12 = single serving yeah