Crimes against cuisine (for all your vegan and Marmite matters)

Granted it is a good discount but the pay is also shite :grinning:

Can’t really complain about the pay, I earn more than I did and I like driving the truck so its win win. Getting the M&S discount this year was just an added bonus.

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Your a highly skilled driver I’m just a grunt in the stock room. :grinning:

Were you driving for GIST ?

Surely this presents excellent opportunities for wage augmentation via larceny?

It is quite handy when you can eat the evidence.


Still do.

You’re an M&S lackey now as they’ve bought over GIST. :grinning:

Hence the discount :+1:

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and all the hookers you can murder.


And the Yorkies.

Does that include the truck drivers?

Only the tasty ones.

Seeing this

(where the obvious answer is “none of them, they should all be fired into the sun”)

reminds me that my mother used to inflict “low fat spread” on everyone except the dog.

The dog got a sausage sandwich most days around 4pm :man_shrugging: and would simply spit it back out unless it came with salted butter.

In many ways he wasn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer, however in this department he was a tactical genius.


For health reasons I use Glover😔

None of the above
No butter either.
Mainly because no bread.

‘Free’ is apparently: ‘dairy and gluten free’…They could add to this strap-line: taste / point / decency


Well that’s pretty wrong.


This has appeared at work…. :face_with_monocle:

Yes, sweetener is an absolute crime. The tea bags are pretty ropey as well.