Recently I got a new/old tuner, followed shortly by a better antenna. The antenna - tho’ excellent - came with slightly too-little, badly-screened cable, attached to a crappy Belling-Lee plug.
A quick google suggested Webro WF-100 would be a good coax cable (all copper, 150% copper screen), to which I could add the required F-plug. Job done - reception even better. Nearly 2m of WF-100 left, so I made some RCA Phono interconnects from it. They sounded slightly worse than the VanDamme Silver Series that preceded them. Which surprised me, but whatevs.
Couple of weeks later and I have bought Papa Lazarou’s old ANUK DAC 1.1S - already tweaked-up very nicely by the legendary Coco-San, it nonetheless still had scope for more tweakology.
A little research showed that higher-up the AN foodchain two things proliferate - valves and electromagnetic devices (inductors and transformers). IME/taste, AN DACs all sound great, and all the later and whizzier models have a feature in common which I have rarely noticed being used by anyone else - a (needlessly) hefty common-mode choke connecting the S/PDIF input to the main boards.
I have a drawer-full of CMCs c/o of years tinkering with mains filters, so decided to add one to the 1.1S. Only problem being the shoebox was tight on internal space, so literally thinking outside the box I grabbed a small alloy enclosure, a couple of glands and a CMC, snipped one of the Webro cables in half and soldered it all together.
We all know that digital cables cannot possibly make any difference to how your system sounds, right? Of course that depends on a host of factors, including-but-not-limited-to characteristic impedance and how you deal with unwanted out-of-bandwidth signal components… No matter, manufacturers don’t usually put anything on a PCB that they don’t feel needs to be there - it’s all cost and no headlines, so on my usual monkey-see-monkey-do basis I sucked it and saw: and it was good. Compared with a good quality Supra ‘DAC’ S/PDIF cable the difference was in all senses clear - resolution up, noise levels down.
No question the CMC will be 99% responsible for that, chances are the proverbial wet string in place of the Webro would not be discriminated in a double-blind test, but this is where the tuner comes-in: it has a digital output and I like to use it with the DAC, but digital electronics tend to be RFI-incontinent, and with broadcast radio signals being in the few-microvolts range, they are very easily affected: I’ve owned equipment (hello Musical Fidelity!) where my CDP was by FAR the strongest signal detected by my FM tuner…
With that lurking in the back of my mind, I noticed that Webro do an even-better screened coax - WD100 - so conceived an improved (and usefully-longer) version of the foo digital cable - Neutrik Pro-fi plugs, slightly better looking enclosure, metal glands, 1-piece ferrites, more-compact but higher-inductance CMC, enclosure properly grounded to screen etc. And that is this -
…and yes, it does sound Even Moar Betterer…
[inb4 “Herp-derp, streemin is betr m8! Hyuk, hyuk!” - fuck off.]