Oops ! A bit careless there. Good job your nipper decided he’d stay in bed
Did the bang wake the kids up ?
Fortunately not, but MrsKettle wanted to check that my impending enrolment into hopefully many years of LGPS accrual was not going to be impaired.
Next task: build that board again…
That’s annoying.
Maybe try connecting it the right way round…?
If in doubt - chuck a bigger diode bridge at it!
What’s that - 10A rated? For a DAC. Respect, I like it.
25A as it happens, parts bin from when @coco’s earth lift boards came as 5 and the bridge came in packs of 2.
Finally got round to putting the remaining parts into the Stereo 20.
That’s better. Voltages are as they should be & 3mV noise on the output which seems fine. Haven’t needed to change the two reservoir caps as they seem to be doing what they should.
Russian PIOs and mostly carbon film resistors. Os-Con caps for cathode by pass where required
The only thing now is to put in a potential divider on the input and reduce the input sensitivity by 15 dB so it can be used with a normal pre-amp. It’s ridiculously sensitive as is.
But before I do that I’ll try it with its matching Pre & see how that goes.
Nice tidy work! Have you done this sort of thing before?
Finally got round to adding in the Zobel network that the 8055s supposedly need. No idea if it sounds better, just played a couple of records that may not have been played through the current phono stage even, but there is the smug knowledge of having Charcroft foo in the system.
Is that bamboo?
a. You’re replying to a four year old post made by someone who flounced out of this forum not too long after.
b. He’s a regular on Pink Fish, you could ask him there.
c. It’s obviously bamboo.
d. There’s no minimum post-number requirement to sell things here, so no need to bulkpost or thread necro
Welcome, enjoy your stay
You alright this morning petal? You appear unusually sociable and helpful today. Perhaps you need a bit of a hug and an extra spoon of medicine from nursey?
Just ignore the miserable old fuckers…
…but bear in mind, if you do, you’ll only actually be talking to about 4 people
And 3 of those appear to have suffered incapacitating head-injuries…
Think that handshake should be changed to someone lobbing a lawnmower
Hi and welcome!
Its lovely to see an actual post, I have everyone else on ignore, so it’s quiet on here for me usually.
He’s spending a lot of time on pfm at the moment so the saccharin sweetness must be rubbing off.
He’ll be telling use how great Linn Kans are and to stop being mean about the LP12 next.