DIY Audio General - stuff you're making, tips, advice sought, etc

Layout mostly done, a day on the cnc machine tomorrow.


Chop-chop, want to have a :hear_with_hearing_aid: on Thurs.


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Kudos that you have embraced recycling and are using old apple 30 pin cables :grin:


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Umm, for the uninitiated / stupid what is it please?

Headphone amp.

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Getting there.


Looking :blush:



I like this tidy wiring. :+1:
It’s like a refinery. :heart_eyes:


Very Naim.

Some minor tidy up on the headphone socket wires and then its done.


Very nice job. You’ve done it again!!

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Chonky transformer for the next amplifier arrived today.

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How do you rate it as a preamp?

It sounded great in @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion’s system. Better than expected tbh.

It will be interesting to see how the BA2018 compares.

Have you built it yet?

The PCB is done but not tested so magic smoke a possibility!

The SMD bits were a fiddle.

Setting-aside the secondary fact that it’s not the presentation I was looking for, it was impressive.

It definitely benefitted from warm-up/run-in - sounded much better towards the end of the evening with a few hours on it.

Neutral (not a euphemism for bright or sterile), transparent, and without an obvious signature of its own.

The only notable effect was on a couple of tracks that I played, where the temporal effect was contradictory - one sounded slower than through the various pres I’ve used recently, while the other sounded pacier. Usually it tended towards vivacity, but not intrusively-so.

If you’d bought it new and paid~£2K you would feel you’d got good value-for-money.