DIY Audio General - stuff you're making, tips, advice sought, etc

Cheers, should probably finish mine and give it a listen then.

You really should. It’s good. Suspect it could embarrass a lot of commercial kit.

BA2018 is closer to done so might just stick it in a Tupperware with some batteries etc.


:rofl: :joy: :rofl:

Don’t worry, still want it done properly in one of your boxes!

Might have to see how many preamps we can fit into one chassis. :smiley:

Any amp that requires a meditation cushion is undeniably cosmic.

F6 build started. The lack of symmetry on these boards is causing me issues.



Liked for foo caps.

Silmics are not foo. Mouser sell em.

Love the data sheet.

ELNA developed new raw material for the separate paper which use a silk fibers.
Therefore, this capacitor can give you high grade sound for your audio design.
● Due to the silk fiber’s pliability, the capacitor makes a dream of the high quality
For examples ;
● To relieve the music’s vibration energy.
● To decrease the peak feeling sound at high compass and rough quality sound at
middle compass.
● To increase massive sound at low compass.

Proper data that. None of your numbers nonsense or graphs.

Reminds me of a review we once received in a Japanese mag for an amplifier that portrayed music with ‘a stout & bony frame’,

As I recall, it also had ‘a comfortable air’.


Something we can all aspire to.

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Was that written by a meerkat?

Yup, totally not foo.

[They do actually sound fab - on Pete’s reco I replaced a pair of Oscons in the DAC’s output stage with Silmics: very obvious audible improvement :heart_eyes: ]

New pot for the Aikido pre I have, old stepped attenuator was worn out and made a horrific crack every step.


Power supply board for the F6 done. No resistors mounted in the CRC because it’s getting chokes. Which are on back order :weary:


Does anyone know what the actually sonic difference between CRC and CLC is in this kind of amp?

Not 100% sure it is audible. I fitted some in @omsoc’s Aleph 5s and I thought they sounded better.

The chokes are £30 each, so I reckon for the extra £60 its worth it. It certainly reduces the ripple in LTspice considerably.

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That’s the big payoff from a technical point of view, but it really matters most when the current drawn is quiescent i.e. near DC. It can drop any 100Hz hum coming from the power rails a lot.

Even at 100Hz the inductor has a pretty high reactance, so the first smoothing cap will be doing all the work in terms of supplying the AC needed for audio signals when they’re present. There won’t be any help available from the reservoir cap.


It’s definitely better after fettling but some caps were changed as well.
Mainly it sounded better as one was blown before fettling commenced.