Donald Trump finally announced as some massive in-joke (Part 2)

American court system in action:

The fate of the abortion pill mifepristone is now before the Supreme Court, after a fifth-circuit appeals panel of three judges ruled against its distribution last summer. One of the judges who ruled against distribution of the drug is James Ho, a Trump appointee who previously served as the solicitor general of Texas; his wife took at least six payments between 2018 and 2022 from the conservative legal group that brought the case to court.

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And now it will go before Clarence Thomas (amongst others), a man who has received more “gifts” from billionaires than you or I have had hot dinners. Corruption seems to be pretty endemic there these days.


Any grift in a storm :rofl:

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Amazing number of billionaire “friends”. I’m sure it’s just happenstance that he met all these “friends” after he became a Supreme Court Justice :thinking:

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Would fit well here: Scum School - Bask in their reasonable company

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Pretty good update on where we are at

Bit of a surprise in Alabama

The GOP may have got this more wrong than even they had thought



Sadly that is a fake vid

Yes,took me a couple of watches to realise


Trump does appear to have two right arms…

PAH! Next you’ll be telling us this image isn’t real, but some sort of AI-generated concoction!

It’s a miracle is all.


That lower right arm is getting a little “handsy”.

“There, there.” “No, there, there.”