Dats fecking funeeee
Finally! After all these years of trying! You did a funny!
This deserves a reward:
Possible Lopwell/Settle speakers
Today in “Hifi World random favourites you had forgotten about”:
Unison Research have made some acceptable looking equipment.
And this.
Not ebay
Get your Big Muff pedal and Echoplexer here!
Plus a load of cool guitars
Normally I am ridiculously uninterested in these sorts of auction, but for once I am seriously tempted, probably by the original lyrics to One for the Road.
Curse you throwing temptation at me like that.
Of all the speakers I’ve owned, these are still my favourite.
yes, I would probably agree, but they had to go when I got married but the singing fridges are now very enjoyable.
Looked into real parquet flooring, that shit is pricey.
Isn’t that pic from a guy who used to post on the Wam and pinkfish? Did he go by the name Tune??
I recognised the setup too, not sure though
Tune lived in Switzerland
Tune (Mike) lived in Taplow (in Bram Stoker’s old house. I visited once, lovely place.) I think you’re thinking of Tones who was a former Patent agent or somesuch.
Been in that room, bought a phonostage from him. Was a few years back but think it was Tune? He’d spent a long time in the Alps but moved back to Taplow after an injury caused short term memory loss. Not able to do a lot of things but was still enjoying the music
Yes, my mistake, I was thinking of Tones