Fabulous Foo (or ICHM's shopping list)

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So for £300 you can dump tiny amounts of HF spuria to ground?

…in the unlikely event that tiny amounts of HF spuria are actually present, and not already being dealt with on the PCB?

Just ordered 20 :+1:


Amateur, I am going to kit out my AV setup in the mancave.


Marvelous - WANT

Meanwhile it appears that this lot are not actually a supplier of foo, despite the obvious business opportunities afforded by the name.

Am disappoint.

There will be Hifi cable manufacurers gnashing their teeth that they lost out on that domain name

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Quantum and cryo, muuust be good :rofl::rofl:

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Quantum Nano anything is desires Viagra.

Dunno about yours, but my 30kg amplifier is quite good at dissipating thermal energy!

Not sure that plug is gonna swing things :slight_smile:

This wonderful thread where I couldn’t resist getting stuck into a guy selling “audiophile switches”

A company of pure science, that doesn’t measure anything.

LOL, I think many / most here know sqlnumbers and Awkward from Wam days. Yeeaaaah.


At least one of them has a clue what he’s talking about.

Cat-coat guy on the other hand…

Bought the guts of my power amp from him, decent enough bloke IRL but does get drawn into measurist rants online.

That jacket really was an extraordinary thing!

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Amateur mistake though to call, “I’m out!” and then keep coming back.

File under…


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Um… what?

In some ways, not as atrocious as it could be - i.e. he’s not German, so not actually made from cats.

Regrettably, actual images are lost in the mists of time, but we’re talking a grown man unironically wearing something very like this -

…and that was the least annoying thing about him.


I’m aghast you didn’t really grasp the wonder of dick.

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Ah the flash, saw him on the WAM, the self proclaimed network expert who couldn’t get a streamer connected to a cisco switch and then claimed he had designed an audiophile network switch :joy: :joy: :joy:

Didn’t realise he’s actually started a company now, just had a look and fucking hell £3700 for a 2 port ethernet switch and £6300 for two fibre SFPs in a box

Has he actually sold any of them?