Awaiting some deliveries but these are some
I’m a traditionalist at heart.
Salad Cream (Heinz) perfect with a Scotch Egg.
H.P. Sauce, needs no introduction.
English mustard, bedfellow of the saveloy dip.
Sandwich Spread (Heinz). Tangy and usually followed by a Rennie.
You’ll be making a case for sandwich spread next. The war is over, It has been for 73 years.
There is a Strayan version of Piccalilli that has a fair whack of chilli through it. I ran out last year and can’t remember the name. It is top of my to-do list in Melbourne this Xmas.
can beat a thin scrape of Gentlemans Relish on toast.
Had some the other week on the toast to accompany a steak tartar
I like this with ham
I love that - goes brilliantly with a strong cheddar cheese in a sandwich, with some sliced red onion
I’ll look out for that
Whilst I like a poncy pickle as much as the next person, and have a cupboard half full of all sorts of varieties, I find it very difficult to get past good old Branston Pickle. Bloody lovely stuff and utterly addictive, IMHO.
Oh, and so much yes to Tracklement’s piccalilli.
probably don`t sell this in Afganistan
In Afghanistan, Iran and parts of Italy, the gesture is regarded as an obscene insult equivalent to what the middle finger signifies in most of Europe, especially when combined with a sweep of the arms. In these places, it roughly means “Sit on my phallus” and carries the same stigma as does raising the middle finger in the west. The sign has a similarly pejorative meaning in parts of West Africa, South America, Iran and Sardinia, according to Roger E. Axtell’s book Gestures: The Do’s and Taboos of Body Language Around the World." In southern Sardinia, where this gesture is noted for being particularly obscene, a hitchhiker would be well advised not to wave his thumb in the air expecting a car to pick him up, or he may find himself under the wheels of a large truck.
Hope you can read this. It’s important to rinse the mangoes after soaking in the salt water or the result is just too salty. Once made it’s best left for a month for the flavours to mature.
If you cannot read it I can email it to you.
Thank you, I can read that fine. I might have a go at this over the holiday.
Any Country that deems any hand jesture as obscene can fuck right off in my book. They don’t deserve Daddies.
condiments will only work with the right leftovers
Jesus Christ. Recovering from cheese on toast slathered with this (.001 and .002) - reaper + habanero sauce my parents brought me back from NY.
Lou bought me some Carolina Reaper chillies. No idea what to do with them, they actually terrify me.