Feckin' Weather

Took the pups out at 6am this morning well before it hit 35 deg here by the afternoon.

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So many fires! Genuinely worrying how many houses, buildings, fields etc are going up in flames atm

A tad warm today chaps, 32c at the moment in the shade any warmer and Iā€™ll take me long johns and cardigan off.



Played golf today,
It was a match and I was genuinely concerned that the 83 old in the visiting team wasnā€™t going to get round.

A moment of unimaginable gay abandon, i feel liberated.

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We took Ruby on a couple of miles walk this morning, with a break in the middle at a local cafe for brekkie.

Was probably only 11.30 when we got back to our holiday place and she was properly heat stressed, despite FoL#1 giving her a really severe haircut before we came away to try and prevent that very thing. Had to hose her down for ages to get her right. Was really frightening.

So of course, as soon as weā€™re back, FoL#2 trots down to the beach just as the heat really starts to buildā€¦


My stab vest now smells like some very expensive cave aged cheese :face_vomiting:

Madness that I look forward to a nice ā€˜coolā€™ 25c on Monday :rofl:


I find myself concerned about the lack of rain, but I seem to be the only one who is lovinā€™ this weather.
And no, the A/C at work still isnā€™t fixed.

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Iā€™m not minding it, itā€™s a dry heat here and thereā€™s no shortage of chilled beverages to be had. Not sure Iā€™d enjoy London in this heat though.


Working in That London has become less of a trial. The warm weather always raises my spirits.

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Itā€™s ass hot.

Weā€™re watching Predator 2 to stay on-message.

Also, it appears that all our neighbours are using shitty chemical disposable barbecues tonight.

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Dulwich on fire tonight then!


What a story.


Ditto. I get quite bad SAD and for the last few years, have found myself feeling worse due to the long grey cloudy days weā€™ve had throughout July and August. Itā€™s been warm but hardly any sunshine for extended periods of time. And then I start feeling ā€˜robbedā€™ of a summer and get frustrated.

So while Iā€™m concerned about environmental changes, selfishly, this summer has been brilliant for me, have loved every hot sunny day, feeling like Iā€™m abroad but without having to leave.


Not for me. We went up to Ambleside for the last week of our caravan and planned lots of fells, including Bandits first mountain.

No way. Just early walk then sit around reading then pub then eat / more drinks then a late walk.

Jan spent a lot of walk time in the local river and tarn.

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Bob was with us, asked after you.

Woke up to rain, and a bit cooler.

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Lightening here last night, rain. Back to normal up here. No drought, not expecting any flooding.