Festive Meat Feast

For the last 4, 5, 6 years I have gone along with their Christmas dinner wishes, so this year it is my turn. result :slightly_smiling_face:

Hoping for a very traditional Christmas this year.

Gave an urchin a shilling last week and sent him off to buy the plumpest goose in all of London town.
He hasn’t made it back yet :frowning:



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Haha, You won’t get away with that, you will get nothing but bean curd for the rest of the year :grinning:

That Sir, is what I eat for most of the rest of the year.


Ordered our double rib of beef at Hargraves this morning.
Sam’s going to make her very excellent Yorkshire pud.
Roasties gonna be roast - Picassos if I can get 'em.
Mashed carrot & swede.
Savoy Cabbage.
Home-made gravy.
Pork & chestnut stuffing.

LOTS of indigestion remedies…

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I fucking love Savoy cabbage.

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King of cabbages :+1:


Still so angry and defensive :joy:

Surely according to the internet if I was veggie something I’d be ramming it down your throat, rather than taking the piss about the lack of choice you have surrounded by women :grinning:

I rest my case :grinning:

I was a cabbage tickler for 15 years. Once my daughter was born, I just decided to hop off the wagon and start eating creatures again.

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Enjoy your plate of broccoli on Christmas Day :slight_smile:

I couldn’t pick just one. Just figure out for yourselves whichver one is most suitable/offensive/funny. /chumpy :smiley:


It is amusing to see our resident herbivore just can’t stay out of a Meat thread… :grin:

I’m on a forum called abbatoir you fucktard, the word meat features in most of the threads :grinning:

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It’s ribbed beef for the ADPully clan - We rarely choose Turkey.

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We will have a very traditional Xmas dinner. None of us are huge fans of turkey, but the kids are insistent about it so it will be a crown of turkey. This will be accompanied by glazed leg of smoked ham (the bone of which will be used for pea and ham soup later on in the week). Everything else as it should be in terms of veg, sausage stuffing, bread sauce, home made gravy etc.

It has always been the same, even in Melbourne when it was 35C it was the full traditional Xmas dinner despite my pleas for seafood and salad…:angry:


Traditional Ozexpat Kiss-me-arse dinner for 2, consisting of;

Scrambled eggs with smoked salmon and chilli served with a sparkling red wine for breaky.

Double rib of beef
Goose fat roasties
Roasted carrots and parsnips
3 day old port and red wine red cabbage
Salt and honey Brussies

A barrel of beer and a vat of wine :footprints:


Wait! Wut? Noooooooooooo… I love chillies, but they most certainly do not belong there! Please say you mis-typed “chives”?!


Nay, nay and thrice nay. I love chilli and salmon. I love chilli and eggs. QED :ring: