Gigs I'm going to. The Gyroscope diaries

I really hope so as they must surely rank as one of THE bands to see live from any era.

Oh yeah. Totally fucking agree

Gig cock ups aside, nice :+1:

We were practically commuters to the US ~2000 but now I’m not sure we’ll ever make it back again.

I thought we should go see it while it’s still in one piece :grinning:


Yeah, Trump was an absolute “no” (he might outlaw bald people while I was mid-air), we kind of missed Biden and now I’m a bit crumbly :neutral_face:

We were supposed to go for my 50th but most things in the world turned to shit so it never came to pass and I’ve always wanted to see it so it’s now or never.

Agree with the Trump thing so might as well go now just in case.

I tried to copy the wife’s cousin and her wife’s “50 at 50”. They are massive Elvis fanatics so they did the whole Graceland thing amongst many other achievements.

My attempt got bogged down in a mire of fail, meh and :face_vomiting:

60 though, eh? :slightly_smiling_face:

Graceland was one of the biggest surprises for me when we went to Memphis - it’s an amazing place.

Ruts DC at The John Peel Centre.

Great stuff. I have loved The Ruts for decades but never seen them live.


Was good friends with paul just after Malcolm died and they were recording ruts dc rhythm collision,just had a look and it was 82. Sadly lost touch in the 90s. Also not seen them live

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Some of the performers at Saltburn this weekend.
The Carrivick sisters

Lizzie Hardingham

Jez Lowe

Iona Lane

Kris Drever

Marie Little



Presumably not much of a crossover between folk fans and the hordes of people on the beach yesterday.

There is a bimodal age distribution for the folkies.
The youngsters (very good to see them taking on the old tunes and songs) tend to stay up late and rise late so have to rush to the gig.
The older group find that getting down to the beach and back up again are very different matters.

Need to get the cliff railway working again.

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No idea who I’m actually here to see but it’s Edinburgh fest so it doesn’t really matter. Prime slot in Macewan Hall so hopefully they are funny.

Loving the grills between the balustrades :laughing:

Unless you intend cooking on them :yum:





You were right, they were very good :+1:

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Today in 1980

Tasty lineup but sadly I was still a bit too young.

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