
Got chased down in the street in Brixton this evening by a young woman who wanted to know where I got my hat or if it was custom made.

Still got it lads :+1:

(in reality her boyfriend was about twice my height and a third my age)


After meeting her at MADE London last weekend I’ve just ordered a wax cotton “Aston” from Karen Henriksen.

Although in a different colour that’s not on the web site yet.

My old Barbour wax cotton cap has given up any pretence at having a shape and needs to go in the bin.

I tried to order something similar from Laird

a few weeks ago but they almost immediately returned my money because they didn’t actually have it in my mutant size. The product now seems to have disappeared from their web site - no idea what’s going on there.


Not that anyone gives a flying fuck, but I picked this up today.

Obviously beautifully made, and once I’d got over the “it’s too big, ah, it actually fits rather than balancing on top of my head” I was very pleased and it has already fended off some pretty shitty weather today.

We also had a good convo about the challenges faced by bald people with absurdly big heads.

One of these next

Flat cap with a bit of a bill on it.

It’s great to hook up directly with a maker who can accommodate niche requirements.


I’m watching this thread with interest . . .



(thread and quote necro)

Lock’s have been waving their Coke under my nose on Insta and they do actually make it in my size.

Ordinarily you’d look like a total helmet wearing one, but I’ve seen plenty of stranger stuff at gigs. Normally I just wear a docker cap to gigs :thinking:

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