Head-Fi Question


I need lightening…:unamused:

Me and you both mate

All very enlightning stuff…


So I went along today.

I thought I currently owned Momentum 1.0 on-ear (originally bought from @chelseadave).

So this deal for a very cheap pair of 2.0s and a discounted Dragonfly looked good.

It turns that the current pair are over-ear on normal people, but with my massive melon they’re kind of half and half.

The official on-ear look like, as my mother would have put it, a tom tit on a round of beef, and didn’t work for me at all.

So I went and bought two pairs of Loakes instead.

I’ll probably buy a Dragonfly later if I can hold my nose while doing business with the tax-dodging richest man in the world.

Finishes in 40 minutes. Might save a quid or two.

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Yes, just saw that.

They’re also £149 at hifix (with no Bezos involvement).

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Richer sounds will match the HiFix price too.

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Just a quick follow up. The Audeze Sines I picked up on eBay are absolutely excellent sonically. The main drawback is that they are less comfortable than the Sennheisers because they are an on-ear, rather than over-ear design. The Audeze are much easier to use when out and about than the Dragonfly based setup as they have a built in DAC/amp in the supplied iPhone compatible cable.

Reading up there are after market kits designed to convert the Audeze to an over ear design. After my (15 times) more expensive Stax setup, the Audeze Sines are the best headphones I have owned. The Sennheisers are great VFM but can’t compete. This is unsurprising, the Audeze were £500+ when new.


I’m still waiting for my second Dragonfly.

The twats took full payment then told me it was out of stock.

They would get back to me in “3 to 4 days” (a fortnight ago).

Twats. Did I mention that?

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Yay, glad you like them! I’ve been singing their praises when the opportunity arises, as I’m absolutely converted to them, but I only know one other person who’s even aware of them.

The LCD-2s, which I also have, are another level again.

Lol! Well played sir!

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These sound interesting and as I enjoy the same Stax set up as you I’m tempted. Did you get the closed or open back model Olan?

The Sines are closed back.

Are these a different model then?

Seem to be.

There is also an open-back model, but I think it’s newer and less common, as they were originally designed for travel, hence the closed back for isolation.

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looks like I need to extend my area of research beyond here and ebay :thinking:
Or maybe not, cheers Nick

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You’re welcome, Paul. I hope you get some! I’m also curious about those open-backed Sines. The LCD-2s are open-backed, and they are just sublime. The Sines, for me, are absolutely definitive in terms of a headphone I can take on a train or a plane, etc.

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