Needs a films I’ve never seen thread. There’s a few famous ones I’ve avoided
I have never managed to watch Blade Runner all the way through, tried about 5 times, fallen asleep 3 times and switched off twice…
Dirty Dancing… Wife watches every year, so far I’ve managed an excuse to be out 15 times.
Et. Green mile. Trainspotting etc
Sound of Music
Any Star Wars
Bound to be more…
I’m with you on ET (not tempted TBH).
I met a friend on Saturday who hasn’t seen any of the Lord of the Rings films. Because he wants to read the books first. Which he hasn’t done either. He’s 60.
I’ve seen Solaris (the Soderbergh one) several times. Mrs VB has yet to get half way through without dozing off.
We probably also need a films we wish we’d never seen thread…
I have a fairly long list of films I’ve seen while on acid.
Yes not seen any lord of the rings or Harry Potter
Need a what films have you seen on acid thread
At this rate we’ll need a what are your favourite threads about films thread…
I’ve not seen any Harry Potters. Or Madagascars. Or Hunger Games. Or any of the teen vampire ones.
Fuck Gary Frotter.
I think we need a when to say which and when to say what thread.
‘What’ if it’s a selection of all films, ‘which’ if it’s a selection of the films you’ve seen (unlimited/limited choice).
Easy Rider and 2001 when I was 18
My Nan used to get proper ratty if that wasn’t on at Christmas.
“What do you mean? It’s Christmas day!”
Any Bond film
Any Star wars film
Any Avengers film
me neither