Images have disappeared

Ctrl Alt & Del would have worked fine. Try that. :+1:

Alt + F4 to reload images…

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It’s Linux, so rm -rf should sort it

Over the last couple of days I have been getting system notifications deleting images - anybody any ideas why this is happening ? Most of the deleted images are ones I’ve taken myself and are small sized files.


Puzzled of Glasgow.

Data purge innit.

Will get @TMC to have a look.


Can you paste a link to the exact post; your recent ones in the album purchases thread for example all seem to have images where expected.

crosses fingers

Nihilist of London.

I got an alert which linked me to this -

I think what you might be seeing there is Jim having deleted the comment that you quoted, so the system removes all the quotes. Not 100% on that though, just trying to verify.

Can we turn that quote removal shit off? I get it occasionally, it’s fucking annoying.

Is this why I just got pinged by the system account?

:point_up: This is one of them - when I click the system notification to take me to the post this is how it appears :point_down:

Something else odd going on now

In the notifications drop down when I click on Marks @browellm reply this appears :point_down:

Mark’s reply was an edit, not a reply I think.

For the images, it wasn’t that it was taking out images, but that there was a setting which meant that if you quoted an entire post, it removed the quote and left it as a straight reply to the post. I’ve disabled this for now.

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Oh dear, you’ve glimpsed behind the curtain…


We are being attacked by deep web Shaving / coffee / shoe / trolls

You mean I’ve missed my chance to do some trolling - damn it.