Jim’s monstrous b'ass horns

Lol. Yes.

1/2” tape delay units seems like a much more practical solution.


Or lots of cascaded all-pass filters.

Or bucket brigade chips:

Funny, I was just looking at suggesting 30ips R2R but worked out that a 7m delay would need read and write heads to be only 0.6" apart, possibly.

Only if you don’t delay all the channels. Then they just need to be 0.6” longer.

A bit like this house that was on Grand Designs, except that this was supposed to float.

I was assuming the rest would be done physically.

Yes but the delay needs to go on everything but the bass. :grin: that was my mistake above.

Sounds like this is going to be adequately bonkers! Going to enjoy the rampant specification creep (gallop).

Also appears that Jim is going to need a deep hole and deeper pockets.

Might be possible to have them quite a bit longer if necessary, but this depends on the planning approval.

I really want to keep a garage, for pork reasons, so my preferred design is to reverse the garage so that the door is at the front, then build a new structure off the back of the garage (where the door currently is) the area available there is approx 28’ x 30’.

The thing is, the planners might not allow the garage door to be on the front because it may be too close to the pavement. The architect says they like a 4.5m clearance so a car can be parked in front of the door. My argument is that there is already off road parking on the property for at least 5 cars, so the space immediately in front of the relocated door would not be needed.

If they will not allow the reversal of the garage, there are two alternatives; either widen and lengthen the existing garage, then build a new garage on the rear of that, or build a new garage in the space at the other side of the house. This would likely be the most expensive option as it would mean two separate builds.

I would love to be at that planning committee meeting

“He wants underfloor what!!!”


If all else fails, al fresco horn?



How long until your neighbors property is on the market :grinning:


I wondered if the timing could be helped by filling the horns with gas. The speed of sound in helium is three times that in air so would the transit time be down to one third ? Well for a given horn size it would. I know O about horns, but if the size is set by the sound’s wavelength, not the frequency, then that cancels out - the horn would have to be three times larger so the transit time is back to what it was before.

Then I thought ‘How about going the other way ?’. You can’t fix the time alignment, but if you were to fill the horns with sulphur hexafluoride (sound speed just 40% of that in air) then they could be 40% of the physical size for the same frequency range. Clingfilm over the mouth would keep the gas in place (it’s heavy anyway, so inclined to stay at the lowest point in the system). It’d be an interesting experiment in any case.

I used to work professionally with SF6. It’s interesting stuff. Really dreadful greenhouse gas (we didn’t know that then). Chemically inert (unless you do something extreme with it). Not expensive, as gases go. Here are people playing with sound in helium and SF6 (check how pure the SF6 is before trying this at home - SO2 and SF4 are far from lovely) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7XdOyZIkko.


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The real question is what would the transit time be for methane?

Unlimited supply ‘n’ all that…


Funnily enough a friend has suggested this in the past. Too mental, even for me.

Well he’s already got weird science going on in one of his drivers. Why not another one ?


Measurements of helium filled speakers in this video


Perfect, they could be L shaped and go out the roof.

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