Knives and Sharpening

Standardised bread knives sound like something I should get very angry at on the Telegraph comments page.



Now, where have we heard that before? :thinking:

Such a versatile statement.

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Recommend me a good knife sharpener for my kitchen knives.
I’ve got an oil stone. It’s a quick and affective sharpener I could do with.

we have oilstones but we prefer this. There is a cheaper 2 wheel version as well

I have the one Simon posted but also this, which I prefer. Not sure it’s so good for sharpening a blunt edge but for maintaining an edge it’s excellent.

I have the 3 wheel minosharp which is cheap and works.

But this morning I have so far resisted buying this setup, best I have a few drinks later and get it ordered.


I’ve had one of these for a year. Love it.

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New knife on the block (see what I did there) Miyabi 5000MCD67 8" Gyotoh. Fancied trying a Miyabi with an Hitachi ZDP 189 powder steel core, superb edge retention but reputed to be a RPITA to re-sharpen.


That’s a work of art!

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I have a couple of Miyabi 5000 MCD too. Are they still made in Japan since the company was bought out by the German firm? Henkels I think it was.


Nice Jim, I have an MCD Birchwood rocking Santoku and Shotoh but fancied a change from SG2 core steel.

For anyone thinking of trying this type of Japanese knives this is a stupid bargain IMHO, available until the 31st.


£1k knife block a bargain - I could buy a half decent mains cable for that.:scream:


Foo Fuse with that Sir :crazy_face:

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Only half decent mind…


When you see a discount like that you normally think of it as pure marketing, in that the original price never existed to start with, but when you do a bit of googling it seems to stand up.
Having seen some videos of the craftsmanship involved in making these type of knives (and the end product) I am not surprised by the cost, even if it is a bit eye watering.

Then I think of watches and hifi :grinning:


They advertised a 20% promo for orders before the end of July and with the extra 20% I was very very tempted, unfortunately the promo code only applies to full price goods so cannot be applied in this case.
I am sure they are very good value, but still a bit rich for me when I think of my knife usage now.
If only they did a 10" bread knife … :grinning:

Yup, high craftsmanship for sure and nice to own, however there are many sub £100 high quality VG10 or equivalent carbon knives out there that perform the same resultant job in the end.

I bought the Japanese water stone set that were linked to ages ago in this thread (600/1000/3000) and tried them out on some very blunt old Sabattier knives I had that were at least 50 years old. I was astonished at how well they came up. It put on hold the idea of getting new ones. But I keep having envious looks at the new shiny!


Knives received, thanks Paul (@unclepuncle)

Donation made.

Just sharpened them and they take a pretty decent edge :+1: