I was looking for the MAC 60/40 degree bevelled straight edge slicer which is fantastic quality for similar £££ but out of stock
Also very good …
I was looking for the MAC 60/40 degree bevelled straight edge slicer which is fantastic quality for similar £££ but out of stock
Also very good …
I have purchased this for a fiver from Nisbets in Northampton. Somebody used our old one as some sort of screwdriver/lever type thing and the end fell off.
Ordered a Santoku (?) as I sorted of fancied a new choppy knife.
Quite like the Victorinox stuff. Was researching fancy Damascus steel stuff, but fuck foo knives.
Victorinox is a really solid object for a good quality but inexpensive foo free knive, I use several of them as my go to choices when I am cooking professionally.
Made me realise how blunt a couple of my others are. They were supposed to be half decent from solingen. If they don’t sharpen up I will get some more from nisbets.
Have a victorinox larding/ slicing knife that is very good.
Buy cheap and throw away when they get blunt
You have lost me there.
First post on HiFi forum so why not contribute to a knives thread. I spent a fair amount on Wusthof after owning Victorinox for a number of years. Whilst the fancy ones are nice and feel a bit better weighted in the hand, for day to day cooking the Victorinox at 20% of the price are equally as capable. They also take a nice edge.
The other company to look at is Mac (not the makeup people). They’re a bit more than the Victorinox knives, but seem to be where industry folks tend to go after Victorinox. Certainly my brother (restaurant chef for about a 8 years now) said that if he was starting over again, that’s where he’d be looking). After that you’re definitely starting to get into the more esoteric stuff.
Might smart a bit.
Mac the Knives then. Cool.
Welcome aboard. This is a sensible post. Please cease and desist with posts of this type as you will make the rest of the ‘content’ on the site look silly.
And welcome Tony, I think you already have the measure of the place
MAC are excellent , they have a budget and better quality ranges but all are good, their carvers and bread knives
Treated myself to a new choppy knife. Glad I did as it is way better than the old one.
Tis a Victorinox fibrox.
Yup, I’m a big fan. They’re not what I’d buy if I could spend a shit ton on knives, but as an economical knife option, they’re pretty fucking solid. It also means I don’t feel too invested if something happens to one whilst I am using it for work. Their pastry knife as a bread knife is an absolute belter, even if I had the money I’d never get a different one.
Found a fibrox pastry/slicing knife in a box of crap left in the loft by an ex-girlfriend.
Bloody brilliant thing.
I had sharpened my old knife as best I could. The edge kept chipping slightly though. Cutting stuff with new knife is remarkably easier. Quite surprised.
Had to show id for age at Nisbets. Should be flattered, but wtf.
Have a few old knives to get rid of now. Will pop them down the local youth club or summat.
Local police station appreciates that kind of thing
Leave them out on the garden wall free to passers by
its remarkable what they’ll take - my AK47 went in no time at all, but the used radiator took days.
I have a £10 off code for Nisbets if anybody can use it. Valid for about a month iirc.