But… upgrade opportunity!
It will not keeeell.
How the hell did you manage that?
OK, so carbon steel Chinese style chefs knife needed, anyone seen anything? Must be a proper tool, not some fancy thing.
I have no idea, I picked it up yesterday and noticed the crack.
Use it until it breaks. Truth is, it may last for years yet.
@jim in 3,2,1…
Your first post was moar to my likey.
Isn’t that what they said about the Tay Bridge ?
If you do decide to carry on using it Ritchie then I’d be gentle with it. For big hitting you might want to put on polycarbonate face protection and to make sure you’re standing as far away as you can and not in line with the blade.
How much are they though? Is it Chinese Knife with Serbian tax?
Looks like they have a sale on