Labour leadership runners and riders

If they’d seen to hire him, I suspect Cummings could’ve got Javid, Hunt, Raab or Gove elected with pretty much the same tactics (although probably only Gove would’ve hired him.

To be fair, against Jezza he could have got you elected.

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Steady on!! The entire Girl Guide/Kleptomaniacs Anonymous Organisation would have imploded under the shock of Guy ascending to the seat of power.


Listened to the interview with the head of the largest public sector Union. To sum it up, labour are fucked. It’s as if they haven’t lost and a bit more struggle will see them through.

I wouldn’t want the job as their next leader, I can’t see anyone being able to reunite that party, the party doesn’t appear to want that.

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I’d have outlawed and disbanded the whole sorry mess by now. Girls need to be pursuing healthy natural activities not sewing, home making & kayak rustling.


Has Clive Lewis seen our poll? Dear god.

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Vote Curdsman


This is the problem. The Corbyn acolytes are completely one eyed about it.

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As a lefty centrist I’ve come to the conclusion that while I agree with most of their policies, the left as a whole are fucking idiots or at least willfully naive.

This probably goes hand in hand with the policies that try to make the world a fundamentally fair place (health care for all, equality, etc.) when it actually isn’t. The belief that a candidate will be judged on their policies and experience instead of on their haircut and whatever shit is posted on facebook.

If the left and centrists EVER want to be a contender again they somehow need to square their fundamental policies with the modern world of ‘fuck you’ dirty campaigning. Basically they need to lie their arses off to get into power and then do what they want to. Which is basically what everyone expects from a politician anyway.

Also they need to stop all this salty, not my PM, protests and shit. Boris is a cunt but he’s a cunt who was overwhelmingly voted in as PM. Deal with it, lick your wounds and get ready for battle in 5 years time. I’m betting they won;t though, because it’s too seismic a shift of ideology, also the left seem to love sitting in back rooms, smoking their Sobranie or Gauloise, printing leaflets that smell funny on a hand cranked printing press talking about shit but never actually doing shit.

Tory’s meanwhile are knocking up weaponized dog and cat memes and spamming them on social media with the help of the latest internet warfare think tank based in a science park in Cambridge.

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That is a lovely post. It makes me feel a bit sad.

I know I’m a bit sad inside but I conducted a little experiment. I asked on facebook why people wanted Brexit and voted Boris in. I explicitly said I didn’t want any recriminations, politics or shit, just some opinions from my right leaning friends and family as to why Brexit was important to them.

The posts fell into 3 categories.

  1. A few people answering my actual question (mainly fed up of unelected EU officials, and fishing rights !??!)
  2. The great majority of answers were Lefties being salty, arguing with the few people who tried to answer and generally not listening to what I wanted.
  3. A friend who is a master right wing troll then nuked the thread in his own fantastic style.

This says it all about the current left, they are now more interested in being obnoxiously correct even if it alienates them utterly.


I do like the ideas of Labour. But they just don’t seem practical. Maybe if they had offered less unicorns and concentrated on just a few it would not have been as bad. But with their Brexit poilicy and should shambling old duffer in the lead they had no hope. I parted with money just to be able to vote for the other guy in the last leadership election, as I thought Corbyn was unelectable then.
I wonder when Labour will give up on the idea that they had the best policies. Maybe just hiring some decent pr people will help. It all seemed a bit amateurish.

I would have liked to stay in the EU, and join in with the Euro as currency. I lived in Amsterdam when the Euro came in there. It was quite nice to be able to travel and do business all over Europe quite easily.

Pleased to report that there seems to be some sort of movement across certain sections of social media to rally behind Ian Lavery because Rebecca Long Bailey seems to be a bit on the electable side.

Lavery-Butler. A dream ticket for those keen to carp on about the Tories from the sidelines for the next 10 years.

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I genuinely hope not…

If it’s not Lord Buckethead they can get to fuck!

It is this kind of clarity of though and insight that will help rescue the country from its self-inflicted disaster.


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To be fair he is describing me…

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