Nearly nuking the forum again
Is this how you get your, living on the edge, thrills?
I can’t get into it via PC. Shame it works on the iPhone though. Do try harder next time please.
Yeh, thank-you-VERY-FUCKING-MUCH Mister “What-lovely-weather-we’re-having”!
“Must Try Harder” on your report card!
Ah I was wondering why I got a white blank screen, thought it had snowed or something.
broke on chrome on my w10 pc
Opposite here. Works fine on chrome, banjaxed on Firefox.
Blanked on Firefox here earlier. But following a PC Shut Down (proper - all the lights out) and restart it’s working now.
Did that. Still getting a blank screen. Chrome works though so Meh!
powerdown - reboot - chrome still no work. Edge ok though. Chrome on phone works.
I’m on Chrome - faultless, in fact quicker than usual.
Edge - PC
Chrome - PC
Chrome - tablet
Chrome - phone
All fine
Outstanding issues = PEBKAC
edge PC ok
Chrome PC - fucked
Chrome phone ok
IE PC - fucked
Vivaldi PC - OK
Chrome on phone blank page
chrome pc fine
Im actually enjoy the blank page more at present
Chrome on Android phone: Blank screen
iPad ios14, Safari: fine.
Edge on PC blank screen
Google on android phone ok
Chrome on Android phone, fine.
Edge on W10 desktop, fine.