Today I have mainly been V3.0

Conversation with biffday Fol:
Remember that fat bloke who stayed over one night about 7 years back and broke your bed? Well, he says Happy Birthday! :laughing:


Hawaiian pizza a la @coco ?? :rofl: :rofl:


Guiding plumber guy through the rat’s nest of botches in my house.

He sounds suspiciously like he knows what he’s talking about :face_with_monocle:


unlike some of my colleagues, having proof read a 27 page (content free) review document…

That’s going to be capital-E-Expensive

Still in rural Norfolk - it started raining heavily at midnight last night, timing its onset between me looking out of the door, and me getting the harnesses on the mutts and exiting said door.

Woke-up at 6AM to ongoing relentless rain and the unmistakable splat of Leak upon Carpet in bedroom…

Ornamental pitcher currently being forced to earn its living as rain continues to absolutely fucking sheet it down.

Britain’s Driest County? My arse - which is apparently cursed with some kind of indoor-rainmaker-when-on-holiday hex…


Err… that was last week :joy: :joy: :joy:

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I am a metropolitan elite and IDGAF. I mainly don’t want a temperamental negative head pump dangling from the garage ceiling.

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17 posts were split to a new topic: Latest upgrade issues

Didn’t go well,i wasn’t told you had to pay if you weren’t 65 Then its free after Novermber which no doubt by that time they will have run out

Told them to stick it,then went back to apologise.

Fucking fuming,hit the poor as per usual

It wasn’t expensive,but fuck them

Well thanks to you I decided to sign up for a flu jab this afternoon. I’m entitled to an NHS one, lucky me. Went online, my doctor isn’t doing them, phone the pharmacy.

Pharmacy 1: sorry, we’re waiting for a consulting room to be built.

Pharmacy 2: we don’t have stock, fuck you.

Pharmacy 3: we don’t have stock, fuck you.

Pharmacy 4: we don’t have stock, I can add you to a list but we might not actually get any and it’s a long list.

That wasted half an hour of my time, thanks for that.

Booked ours this morning. 17th of Nov.


Most regions now have higher targets and a nationally mandated increased scope of their usual target population, this year to include at risk groups and over 50s (which crossover to some extents).

Short answer there is greater demand and this is being earmarked for general practice.

An, so far, not much increased supply. Great.

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Just ate humble pie and rebooked for next friday under a different name
Will probably wear my trilby,french mac and tache disguise


I guess it’s a tight call between waiting as long as possible before they start growing the stuff, so they have the best chance of it matching the actual flu, and leaving it so late that come Sept/Oct it’s still at the seedling stage and unable to satisfy the sudden 100% demand.

I called my GP a few weeks back and, as is now becoming habitual, they didn’t have any of the under-65’s type, and couldn’t be sure when they might get any. So I booked in with the same pharmacy chain as for the last two years. It’s free because I’m in an ‘at risk’ group. The idea of ‘at risk’ seems too complicated for the GP supply system to have got its head (for want of a better word) around though.


All the GP patient management systems identify ‘at risk’ groups, mainly because as practices they receive top ups for doing certain things for them. Whether their definition of ‘at risk’ matches fully with others is a different debate.

The usual localised problem IME is that the person responsible for procuring the correct amount of shots lives in the CCG and is usually innumerate and in no rush to get them ordered and in place early enough.

When they eventually get hold of the vaccine they will contact me to book an appointment for the shot, so I think there isn’t a problem with the definition. I will then explain that I’ve actually had it already, at the pharmacy, and that if they check they’ll find they’ve been informed of that. And that’ll be that for another year. I guess the pharmacy have stocks because it’s a money-spinner for them, so the procurement person’s job’s on the line if they cock up. If only this were true for anyone in the wholly unaccountable CCG.


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Not wholly but agree, largely. Same result so…

I get my Flu jab on the 6th Oct at the Docs.