Lopwell 2019 Organisation Matters

OK, time to talk turkey. And pig, cow, sheep etc. Who is bringing what? I’ll update this first post as people contribute.

Friday afternoon
Cream tea - it’s Devon, so cream first please

Friday evening
BBQ - ribs, chicken and lamb kebabs

Saturday morning
@browellm @catcando @adpully cooking breakfast

Saturday afternoon
Pizza carnage

Saturday evening
BBQ - brisket and pork shoulder

Sunday morning
@browellm @catcando @Adpully cooking breakfast

Meat order in
3 kg point end brisket
5 full racks of meaty ribs
2.5kg shoulder hand of pork
Leg of lamb deboned for kebab
2 kg chicken thigh deboned
60 mixed bag sausage
King dong black pudding
40 dry cure smoked rashers
20 dry cure normal rashers
60 eggs

@Adpully home made bread rolls
@rmsshipbroker pork pies
@jim bakewell-off. Several, mixed icing and glace cherry options
@murrayjohnson pizza and toppings
@crimsondonkey rabbit food
Myrman sundry groceries like tea, sugar, sauces eggs etc
Edd9000 Hipster pizza toppings
Hoops beans and tinned tomatoes
Ruprecht scones, cream, jam
Spider - cakes and biscuits

@AmDismal loads of cold brew, probably 8 litres

Just bring twice as much as you expect to drink and it’ll be fine. Remember that @MGOwner has failed us miserably this year.



Wow, the first cut is the deepest :smiley:


Be glad to help with breakfast, Mark, or do one of the days.

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This all seems a bit organised. I’m sure people will chip in.

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We don’t want to over cater

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A moderately welcoming cream tea - Friday afternoon - Not so much a dainty amuse bouche, more a gluttonous 2KG of clotted cream and another 2000g of jam.


Happy to help with Breakfast e.g. step in at those busy moments - Perhaps in charge fried or scrabbled eggs? Also happy to be one of the breakfast washing up wallah.

Additionally I could make a large batch of hairy bikers bread rolls?

How many people are currently attending?

Pork pie will be ordered and obtained.


All is well.

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Sounds great, breakfast rolls FTW!

I think numbers are 25-30, with some volatility as reality bites.

If you want to fry eggs, bring a decent non stick frying pan, the one there is useless. That’s why we scrambled last year.

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I’ll bring pineapple and mushrooms :grin:


I could get Flo to knock up a couple of bakewells.

Would you guys prefer icing or flaked almonds on top? :joy:


BBQ Friday or Saturday evening?

I’m happy to bring stuff that won’t suffer sitting in a hot car for 4 or 5 hours. Eggs, tea, sugar, drinks, sauces?

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Put me down for lettuce

I don’t like lettuce much either, but being put down seems an excessively drastic alternative …



I admire your willingness to sacrifice for the cause but can’t they just buy it?

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Saturday evening will be easier, the ribs will take 5-6 hours to cook and I think @Wayward is doing pulled pork & brisket which will be a good 6-10 hours.

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In which case @Nick_Dartmoor and anyone else too, we could do tikka paneer kebabs for the BBQ, a mixed veg or whatever you would like curry done Balti style, and some pakora and if I can be arsed samosas too (probably do those in advance and heat them up?), with fresh chutney etc.