Lopwell Raffle 2025 - Donations and tickets:

Once upon a time there were a bunch of guys who wanted to do something different, something fun - Make a place of their own. They faced many fat fingered obstacles and suffered many flounces…but they pushed on because they believed in what they were doing and no one else would have them - That place is here and it needs your help now .

Life, work, love - are gambles, so is running this here monkey farm, it costs money to be this awful.

Last year many a kindly meat man donated to the cause - actually put in rather than taking out. The 2024 raffle was a sucsess in spite of itself.

2025 offers advanced salvation, you get to feel good, you get to watch another grown man cry with joy (or otherwise) you get to contribute and be part of - you get a chance to win big !

                            **Looking for donations** 
  • Yes you do have something, and yes it is required.

Please add onto this thread with your kindness, gratitude or spite for this here circus of nonsense.

So far I have a box of stuff, not sure what as the box hasn’t been opened - can’t remember who sent it either.

  • Nintendo DS Lite - with case, charger and 3 games. (@pmac )
  • Bob Stanley and Jason Wood’s excellent Fantastic Voyage: New Sounds for the European Canon 1977-1981 on 2*LP. (@Gyroscope )
  • 1.5m Supra foo mains cable (@hoopsontoast )
  • 5m HDMI/DVI lead, with DVI/HDMI converter fitted. Belkin, (@BobC )
  • Eels - Beautiful Freak, Back to Black vinyl 2015 repress (@Kevin )
  • Bottle of Rum (@hoopsontoast )
  • An Omen EP, by How to destroy angels. (@rmsshipbroker )
  • Voodoo paper mache weird thing from @Stepmotheratomicbomb
  • two sets of M8 SuperSpikes. ( @Mrs_Maureen_OPinion )
  • The God all Mighty Boamigo (@Wayward )


Nintendo DS Lite - with case, charger and 3 games.

I’m waiting for my friend to respond regarding coming up here to look after the girls and if she does, I’ll bring it with me. Otherwise I’ll post it.


Bob Stanley and Jason Wood’s excellent Fantastic Voyage: New Sounds for the European Canon 1977-1981 on 2*LP.

This will be delivered in a very handsome Sounds of the Universe tote, thereby cementing your hipster credentials.

If you win it but don’t like the music then

a) you’re already dead to me, so I don’t really care
b) trade it with the guy who wins the Nintendo. He knows where it’s at. He likes the music.


Blimey, you have only had a vinyl replay system for 5 minutes and already giving away half your record collection!

Fair play :grinning:

I already have it on streaming (for which I had to buy the bloody CD :man_facepalming:).

I wanted to contribute something so I went to Sounds of the Universe and bought something that I like.


You’re missing the point of the raffle there


To start with, I can offer a 1.5m Supra foo mains cable.


How long is the statute of limitations after which it is OK to donate back previously won prizes?

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‘won’ doing a lot of heavy lifting there…

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If it’s a good prize - 1 year.

Bad prize - 10 years

Boamingo watch - 3 generations


Bottle of Rum



Excellent question - A fallow year for the Right Said Fred CD would be nice.


Signed as well.
Needs to be passed onto your kids


I fully agree, i have the LP to shift this year!

5m HDMI/DVI lead, with DVI/HDMI converter fitted. Belkin, feel the width.


You know that cupboard / drawer / box you have with stuff in it that’s: too good / weird / odd to throw out ? Please head there this instant and donate something to raise funds / eybrows / spirits & concern. AA understands it’s nice to feel wanted and needed, ‘part of’ and decent - You will feel accepted - appreciated and held in superior regard thanks to your donations. Non doners - the opposite but worse.

Tired & running out of convincers and strap lines for today - but there will be a wheelbarrow full of guilt trips incoming over the coming weeks - so please save us all the bullshit and give up something decent like a gentleman.

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Found a sealed duplicate copy of Eels - Beautiful Freak, Back to Black vinyl 2015 repress in the record rack.

One for the raffle pot


This is how it’s done.