Lopwell Raffle 2025 - Donations and tickets:

Imagine that ruler comes in very handy whilst tailoring


The gentlemans’ measure


Shall I engrave it to “improve” it?


Oh yes!

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Put Rolex on it.

Or Tesla / SPACEX

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Your progeny will rue the day you let that priceless heirloom slip from your grasp!

A mixture of things and a gleaming booby prize. Perhaps it may be profitable to appeal to the meatmans greed as well as playing on his fears (If tickets are to be sold)

Time to round up some

The mutts _ mutts ep

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Thrilled to reveal my 2025 prize.

Incredible to think that such covetable pieces still get donated, considering the recent meteoric rise in value of Quartz collectibles…

In this case the inheriting estate’s loss is very much a lucky AA winner’s gain, after I unearthed it at the local Woodgreen Pets’ Charity shop yesterday.

Elegant of design, lustrous of grain, accurate of time; this is very much the finishing touch that your mantelpiece never knew it needed.

It will of course be sent to @coco for pre-draw checks and enhancements, after which it will certainly be a mantel clock of exquisite taste and investment-grade credential.

Good luck everyone


Much more elegant, fashionable and probably wearable, than the Boamigo.

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Thank you everyone for your donations so far. We have many a herring rouge, we’re covered. sorted, full up - done.

Donations to inspire: salivation, arousal, coveting, wanton desire, excitement, adulation, foaming temptation and Euphoria are still keenly required.

In short something people would actually want so they buy a ticket.

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I don’t think that has ever been a motivation.
People buy tickets to support the forum and have a bit of fun.
Winning something is just a bonus (or not!).

I’m sure the ‘it could be you’ motivator isn’t quite so pressing here - Curiously we had some great prizes last year and earned x3 more than previous raffles so perhaps a nice mixture is the sweet spot?

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Can we attach a strap to it so the winner has to wear it all weekend and on their journey home.
Want to see the staff faces at Gloucester services


I shall be sending the gold cape for redeployment.
I think I’ve got a couple of records that can used fro prizes too.

Am thinking full Flavor Flav

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I’ll offer two sets of M8 SuperSpikes.


Need to rummage in the Cupboard of Shame when I get home to see if there’s anything else, but it’s beginning to get depleted.