Nasty, and they went downhill from there.
Properly awful.
Im no fan of any AM tbh.
I only like the awful ones.
That is so bad it needs to be consigned to the cunt boots thread. Feckin’ hideous!!
Might look at a Ghibli too. They get decent reviews and are well priced.
Ah, you edited it
Fugly compared to the GT in the OP
True. I also have unnatural thoughts about Alcantara.
Just go full cunt:
This one burns petrol. Nice colour too.
Fuck. Good price too.
It is but so is this. I have driven one, albeit briefly and with its hyper twitchy owner sat next to me, and I thought it was fucking mighty. It makes a lot of noise, it is monstrously fast and you can still put people in the back seats.
If we’re going that route, there is only one contender -