....more armchair politics (Part 1)

Could you post that in the Daily Fail or Torygraph?
You just proved that the UK is now 4x as rich compared to then…
Many upticks to you, Sir.

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Oh god… does this mean JRM might actually get a go at the top job?..

World beating race to the bottom?
Yes. And JRM will prove that the time machine exists as you go back to the Victorian age.

The answer would appear to be one .
The last two party leaders elected mid term who did not go the country until forced to were both Labour.
Jim Callaghan and Gordon Brown

Thought John Major waited a couple of years before calling a GE cos of “bastard” reasons.

That Quasi Quart proves himself to be less than a halfwit.
How could he get through Harvard?



“The other day I was walking down the road and saw a homeless person… So I immediately rushed to the nearest really big house and put £10 through the letter box. Won’t the homeless man be grateful when some of that £10 trickles down to him.”

I tend to have a catch-up read-thru of this thread every week or so. We post various moments of outraged despair as if what’s happening hasn’t been part of a long trajectory that mixes cockup with conspiracy into a cocktail of misery for all but the 1%.

Since the days that the Rees-Mogg in Parliament was William, Tories have engineered the economy to benefit themselves + corporations + the super-rich.
To them the UK’s their personal casino: they rig it to suit and cash-out our money when they want, with 0 accountability. Yet we act surprised!

Same with the lying, same with the corruption, same with the incompetence, same with the infidelities, same with the child-molesting, same with the drug use, same with the wife-beating… I mean, we’re so used to it now that what’s not supressed barely gets reported, and certainly goes unpunished. The word “scandal” in a political context has become completely meaningless.

Anyway, it’s win-win for them, no matter what happens now. With this habituation to inadequacy, with all the media propaganda, and the way voting demographics have been gerrymandered, the chance of the tories ever performing badly enough for the mindless, foreluck-tugging, Stockholm-syndromed lickspittles and piss-soaked nazi-pensioners in rural regions and the Acacia Avenues ever voting for anyone else is negligible. …And they at least turn-out and vote: the young and the poor who might make a difference do not understand the issues in the slightest, or are completely disenfranchised.

Even if a miracle happens and the tories are voted-out, those responsible simply cash-out and suffer no personal consequences. They leave behind a GIGANTIC catastrofuck for Labour to try to sort-out - a Labour with weak, populist policies, many of which - like Blair’s “New Labour” - are nothing more than ‘tory lite’, and with far too many technical lightweights in their ranks to formulate the needed strategies.

Even the very best dream-team of Labour politicians couldn’t turn the economy plus the raft of other tory iniquities around in one term. I’m not sure ten terms would do it - and that’s assuming Labour truly want to sort things out, of which I’m far from convinced. The New Labour era achieved remarkably little.

And the thing is the tories know this - they know they have sown the seeds of chaos, they know it can’t be sorted quickly or easily, and I suspect they actively want a Labour government soon, so that they have a credible (to the stupid) scapegoat for the shitstorm. It’s been too long since Gordon Brown was in power - even the fucking knuckle-draggers are starting to realise who’s fucking everything up, and you can only blame the global economy until the point your own currency crashes and burns against ALL others.

Right now, a (likely) one-term Labour govt would be the perfect bail-out solution for the tories - then back to business as usual…




Meh !

Scroll up.


I like that parody account:

text from Graham Brady “FFS do I ever get 5 minutes peace”



Trickle down economics