More shit that doesn't merit its own thread (septic tank overflow alert)

It’s a bit shit really,

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Thanks. I know of soap operas on the television.

And I have heard of football.

Tesco, oops.

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what the fucking fuck is he on

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Pure class :anguished:

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Ilford has gone up market!


The WiFi at my in-laws is so slow I can’t even run a speed test.

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they arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre tryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyying to telllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll you somettttttttttttttthhhhhhhhing

We turn our Wifi off when my niece visits otherwise we wouldn’t even get the usual teenage grunting out of her.


No Wifi at our place during “get togethers”. It’s anti-social.



On a subject been kicking around for a while the Chinese comms company Huawei and their equipment spying on things. Interesing to note that lovely BT use Huawei equipment exclusively on all voice telecomms stuff, so the Chinese can switch off landlines remotely.

Lots of stuff on this, both propaganda and anti-propaganda.

Gerald Worthy 27 Dec 2018 10:11AM

@the MEK @Paul Lavin MEK, I’m assuming your Chinese from your stance and are never wrong.

Just like when I worked with Huawei in Norway and saw them try to ignore the way Norwegians work.

The Chinese never admitted they were wrong or should behave better in Norway, being visitors in a foreign country but instead brought their “Cultural” dept over to try to brainwash the locals that the Chinese way was the way to work.

They had spyware on all laptops, clocking in cards and traces on all handsets which their employees had to have and also pay for the privileged to have.

So yes I have seen how it works first hand.

I even saw some supposedly designed Huawei software, I say supposedly as when I used it found it had E/// copyright/labelling embedded within even came with same glitches of Ericsson software …… so go figure.


Ralph Beales 27 Dec 2018 10:11AM

Indeed. GEC, once Britain’s largest company, transformed into Marconi in the late 90s and then BT bought Huawei kit. Killed Marconi off.

All BT routers - called Home Hubs - come with TWO IP addresses; the customer, has access to only one of these IP addresses, funny that. Wonder who gets to use the other IP address, allowing full access to all the devices connected to the router…?

All broadband routers have two IP addresses. A WAN address which is provided by the ISP and the LAN IP address.


My Talk Talk router seems to produce 2 WiFi networks, the main one and a second, apparently less good one which still seems to work if the main one dips out for some reason.

2.4Ghz and 5Ghz?

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