Motoring horrors aka Edd wants

Want it.

It’s pretty easy to mod them to unleash full power too :laughing:

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Any of these. The V8 version was a fucking animal. A bench seated ex police version was transport at college!

I present the Leyland Sherpa family!

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Time for a good old fashioned assault on taste and decency. Take something already gopping in the form of the Rolls Royce Cullinan and then break out the ‘commissioned collection’ paintwork upgrades…

This abomination is yours for just £235,000.


Looks like you’d be sitting on a Storm Trooper

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One may obtain similar results in a more cost effective manner:


Commissioned by the Cadburys boss?

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Do Storm Troopers have purple helmets?

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Surprisingly bland dash

Yes. To me, Rolls Royce should be all about the wood and leather. And those cool vents. And all the instruments spread all over the place:

RRSS 1967 blauw dashb bew

and right hand drive :roll_eyes:

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Ah, but I am planning ahead! :joy:

Lol !

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The Imperial Guard do :+1:

Yep - strong obsolete-taxi vibe from that nastyass RR…

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It’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the Cullinan. Didn’t help that the first one I saw in the metal was in black! :sweat_smile:

Yep, first thing I thought when I saw the one ITT, too - then I saw your post and snorted :laughing:

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And the pro celebrity golf.

The Cullinan is a bit too LIV…


I did a lot of work on those back in the day😝


No, more than you think it will cost.