Motoring horrors aka Edd wants



Plankton hoovering giant fish vibe.

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What is it?

Beemer 7 series ?

It’s an i7

Overtures of a Roller from the A pillar back.

iirc they’re basically the same car now - they just swap the grille… FFS…

This was parked just up from our apartment in Rethymno this afternoon…

I haz the want.


Make an offer. Money doesn’t exist when you’re on holiday

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Don’t buy one without driving it! The two-stroke triple won’t be to everybody’s taste…

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It may help that I have no taste.

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Just buy it, it’s a gem :ok_hand:

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As you can see he owns a Chinese faux-MG, so a rotted-out wreck with a banshee 2-stroke triple will be an upgrade… What wouldn’t…?


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Luddite !

Where ‘mint condition’ means that it has a big hole in it.

You spelled “cunt” Rong…

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Don’t recall seeing mint in the sales blurb. Anything worth having is worth restoring :+1:

Just noticed that Maureen. Sorry, you are, indeed, a cunt.

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