Motoring horrors aka Edd wants

Really like that! :ok_hand:

A Pirate themed T4 NOT from Cornwall! :scream:

It looks like a badly done tattoo


I think it’s called a tramp stamp

Bought the ugliest wheels ever, bog standard steel rims. At least they’ve got decent quality new tyres fitted, until the spring (which could be May if last year is anything to go by)


Just think of the exciting multitude of plastic wheel trims you can now explore :heart_eyes:

Lol, you seem to think that I give the slightest fuck what they (or the car) looks like :grin:


My Godmother had one of these. In white. It was cool:


My mate had fire engine red 2CV of about the same vintage and we used to go tearing (as far as you could tear in a 2CV) across the top of Malvern Common going NEE NAW NEE NAW :grinning:

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I had one in the mid 70s, it was great fun to drive if you weren’t in a hurry :grin: Sadly it rapidly rotted away.

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A few years ago, some enterprising soul discovered that the BMW flat twin motorbike engine goes into a 2CV surprisingly easily. The result is hilarious;


I’ve been in one of these. No carpet because sunroof drain leak reasons.

It was tuned and a bit of a fucking animal…


I’ve driven several around the Gaydon test track. Fucking scary, and not in a good way!

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I’m no development driver; it just didn’t seem refined.

The TC was extremely aggressive as it thumped in on a moderate speed exit from a petrol station… :sweat_smile:

This is the one you want! A badged and tweaked Mangusta. I did a bit of contract work on this.

Very fast, very smooth and extremely drivable :+1:


Sorry @MonitorGold10 i forgot to add the link.

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Anyone who’s called Cristian of the Leotard is welcome round here