Munich 2023

Are Audio Tekne there?

Don’t think so.

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Watching a Youtube vid the ESD Acoustic looks impressive!

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Watching the same Youtube video I just mentioned makes it look like they are some sort of acoustic panel, they look about 6-8" deep.

1hr 1 min in.

To hide the banks of battery power supply I’d guess

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I’ve only decided to buy one thing so far

Thank you Simon and Kevin :neutral_face:


So not everything being played sounds like someone pushing a piano down a flight of stairs?

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It was good to see you, and good on you for sitting through the whole 20 minutes of one side, it did move onto different styles of music, but just after you left :rofl:
It is a good album mind, and glad u enjoyed it :+1:



was pretty “improvised” :laughing:

A little more detail on HiFi Deluxe now I’m no longer just on a phone.

You can preface everything that follows with “in my opinion”.

Despite the actual speakers being absurdly large, the Acapella room was indeed very good. Although the guy needs to step back from exclusively playing jazz. At least it wasn’t all Chris Barber parp-parp-parp like the last Acapella demo I saw there.

Big shout out to the ghost of Chelsea Dave (really quite unnerving when I first saw him) in a vinyl LP motif shirt and a purple smoking cap with gold tassels. He unsurprisingly turned out to be a Brit.

These guys were actually very good.

They’re from

with a claimed sensitivity of 97dB at 1w / 1m I’m not sure that they needed the 400w into 8Ω that this thing

kicks out.

Next in my preferences was the Marco Serri Design.

I guess 42cm and 38cm woofers don’t hurt the sound. No idea about the oil rig amplification.

Finally a special mention for Diesis Audio

I have a nasty feeling that the “two pairs of speakers” aren’t an either/or, rather the “Roma Triodes”

were being backed up by some mental undocumented subwoofers. This room was playing kind of ambient music with (to my uneducated ears) Chinese lyrics - see later.

Overall the show was very sparsely attended. The web site is appalling and it was unclear to me whether the show was even going ahead. The guy from Oxford Audio on the plane in expressed surprise when I said I was attending “shows” (plural).

You could be forgiven for thinking that it might not go ahead next year. However (probably straying into casual racism) the attendees appeared to be a good 30% from the Far East, and they weren’t there for giggles. I heard multiple active negotiations about “how much?” and “how are we going to get these giant bastards back to Japan / China / Korea?”.

I really enjoy getting vicarious kicks out of other folks’ combined dedication to batshit audio (and the money to finance the dedication - most of the speakers appeared to weigh in at around €150k). I hope the show continues next year.


Ha ha, we got all classical when we were in the room, best of Deluxe for me. The Bayz sounded promising in a really difficult room with modest by the standards of these shows system. Much better than Whittlebury.

We bumped into the Harbeth guys on the way to the airport Sunday and went for a beer with them. They had no idea there was another show, how many years have they been going to Munich, probably not years, more like decades.

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I only discovered this year that Atrium 3.1 at the MOC even existed :laughing:

I’ve always assumed that there was only an atrium above hall 4.

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Alan Shaw would just say that all hifi shows look the same.

I’d hazard a guess he’d never leave the confines of the Harbeth room at any event

Fuck me there’s some really gullible people on pfm.

Surprised he turned up as it appears he doesn’t have anything close to a working unit and only took the empty case there