New career ideas

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Always wanted to be a court reporter. Find Crown Court cases fascinating.
Went to watch a few at the old Bailey and knightsbridge.
Really is like watching two top actors trying to outdo each other.


I used to love watching crown court when I was off school sick. Shame I can’t draw as sketching the wrong uns in court as a paying job would be cool

Haha I remember the same, sat on the sofa with chicken soup watching crown court or the sullivans.

I remember one episode where a guy was in the jungle and ate a sweet potato, hassled my mum for weeks to buy sweet potatoes and she didn’t have a clue how to cook them.

Oh the exotic food of the 70’s.


Prolly rose tinted faded memory but I def recall it being an excellent program, they should defo bring it back, way better than ooose women

Dog sitting/creche
£20-£30 a session per dog and theres long waiting lists now all those WFH are going back to work or mutts are getting under their feet at home.
Section off a piece of land, let em loose & they entertain themselves, pretty much*

  • Sure its not that simple but its a growing area.

Definitely a growth area.

Fpr anyone considering this just bear in mind that some local authorities are beginning to try to regulate this and issue licenses which limit the number of dogs (counting your own in the total) etc so check this out as part of your thinking.

No Mr Warden it’s just me walking my 12x children in the park



I walked out on Tuesday and between about 13:00 and 17:00 came across four separate vans belonging to dog-walking operations. I saw two of the walkers - one had five dogs and the other three. They’re very common on the Ridgeway.

Maybe buy half a dozen treadmills for the dogs, would be easy enough to rig a dynamo type system to power the house whilst your dog sitting.

Can feel a dragons den appearance coming up.


Looks like the 19th century’s beaten you to it (here’s the dog taking you for a ride)

They can churn butter and slosh your laundry about too dog powered butter churners | lindaseccaspina.

No.10 is looking for a new policy chief, if that’s of any interest. How much wine can you put away?

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Must have own suitcase (large with wheels) and Coop loyalty card

Piss easy job whisking up on the hoof policies for a bunch of unprincipled populists whose only policy is to stay in government. Basically run some clinics asking what most people want and then start spaffing off like you’re really going to do them but without the need for any substance or delivery behind it.

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Just reminiscing and looking over some of the ideas, despite a close call at Xmas redundancy has not yet materialised (no security still though)

Current musing include

Set up the garage for pooch grooming
Guitar lessons - need to get a lot better first though
Post care lodgings, this appeals as apparently it’s a bit of s problem area and would be nice to get paid for helping young uns find their way in the world

Looking the cost of records I could start selling my collection as s de ent firm of income but I would buy more than I sell

Dog sitting and dog walking are likely just as lucrative and carry list risk.

Have you thought of starting your own cult?

There is plenty of demand, but this is a role that would have a lot of extra issues. These kids/adults usually bring lots of complexity and vulnerabilities, something that is hard to manage if you aren’t used to it.

Thought that might be the case, still worth investigating I feel

The cult idea I like

Also santas grotto

Perhaps combine the two with Christmas cult

The Grauniad have some ideas! :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands::grin::grin::grin: