There was joke on one of the radio comedy shows at the time along the lines of
And the winner of our “explain the plot of Dune” competition was Mrs Smith of Scunthorpe. This was particularly creditable as the director only came third.
There was joke on one of the radio comedy shows at the time along the lines of
And the winner of our “explain the plot of Dune” competition was Mrs Smith of Scunthorpe. This was particularly creditable as the director only came third.
Haha, yes, maybe one for the fanbois. Although, I’ve had conversations with people who’ve hated even his (generally considered) great movies.
David Lynch did at least have a go at The Guild Navigators. Denis Villeneuve side stepped them completely and they are the reason Arrakis and The Spice are fought over. Blobs floating about in tanks weren’t his thing…
On the other hand there is the casting of Sting who was awful….
A quote from Karlinamillion from Wam days…
“Sting, where is thine death?”
Thought he was talking about Nicholas Cage.
Never liked any of the Lynch films and thought Twin Peaks was shit.
Obvious troll is obvious.
Nope really have never liked his stuff
Saw him play a few times, outstanding goal scorer
Funnily enough I watched Don’t Look Now this week. First time in about 40 years. Lots to say about the camera work and cutting between scenes which is somehow both amateurish but unsettling. The plot though. What are chances our perfect couple should land in Venice just at the same time a knife wielding, female, dwarf, serial killer wearing a red mac is on the rampage?
Julie Christie tho’
Legend. RIP.
From what my Mum has said over the years, watching him as part of the Holy Trinity at United was a magical time!
I happened to be watching a couple of youtube videos last night, about 1970s United, covering Law and his move to City (that backheal and the relegation).
Yeah, watched them at Roker Park, even though I was shouting for Sunderland, it was difficult not to be in awe of them.
Wont mean much to anyone here but I heard today an old work colleague was found dead on his couch after 2 weeks.
His last Facebook message was pretty loaded.
Rest In Peace Mark, may your shiny trousers go with you.
Yeah. Then again, if you’re watching David Lynch for a consistent, sense-making, all-comes-together-in-the-final-act plot then maybe you’re in the wrong cinema ? It’s about The Art.
Lynch tries to manipulate the viewer but without telling them what they should think.
When it came to Mulholland, neither did he
Man U would have been relegated anyway with the other results that day. I took a pic of his statue in Aberdeen when I was doing some Scottish groundhopping