Once in a lifetime / bucket list stuff

Seriously considering this

On the basis that YOLO

Don’t worry, not about it cark it, AFAIK, just figure why the fuck not.


Do it. Don’t regret not doing stuff.


Do it! We see them flying over here all the time im the summer. I’ll give you a wave! :sunglasses:

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I mean, it’s a lot of money, but hey what’s the point of earning it.


No reason why not…:sunglasses: If you don’t, you’ll regret it!

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A friend did it at the big aviation show (:person_shrugging:) a year or two. He’s a lifelong aviation nut (aero eng degree, RAF - and therein lies a tale).

I know it was shockingly expensive but if you’ve got the money then death is inevitable.


Did he enjoy it?

I just figure experincing it would be something special (and yes aviation nut).

Go for it. I’m pretty sure when you’re up there with a massive grin on your face you won’t give a second thought to the ticket price.

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Oh absolutely.

My “bucket list” included a JU-52 until, as I mentioned recently, a) I got into one in person and b) everyone died.

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I mean DCS in VR is cool, but the real thing… well

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Friends of ours son just got accepted by BA. That’s cost him/them north of £120K so far so the Spitfire deal seems like a bargain. :grinning:


Thing is, flying airliners is pretty much bus driving (yes, I know and I’d happily swap my current career for driving an Airbus) but a spitfire is well, you know…


I’m surprised you need confirmation. Do it before you can’t, worry about the experience after you have done it


Go for it but if you ever use ‘YOLO’ again I’m bribing the pilot to dump you out at 5000ft

I frequently see and hear them flying around as Solent airport is about 10 miles from me and would love to have a go.


Do it, just do it.

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Have you booked it yet?

Remembered now


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Personally there are several train trips that I would like to do, including the Jungfrau Express, and the Ghan in Australia.

I would really like to do Roadburn in Tilburg, but at least next year there are three big things on in May, and I can only choose one. So the Desertfest London bill is very good and infinitely cheaper than the alternatives.

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I’d love to travel on Ghan as well but this would be my dream rail trip.

Pretoria to Victoria falls then I’d travel on to the Okavango Delta for a safari. My bucket list items mainly revolve around seeing the wonders of nature from extremely luxurious surroundings :slight_smile:

Victoria Falls - Rovos Rail

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