Park like a cunt (and other driving fuckwittery)

Eating a bowl of cereal is the worst I have seen.

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I heard once that a policeman drew level with a car on motorway - a woman was knitting at the wheel.
Policeman shouted “pullover pullover” out the window
She said no - “socks”

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Oh fuck. Shite driving and parking olus an expensive reveal:

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Do you pay for a parking ticket on match day,or is it first come?

First come first served. It’s absolutely mental nowadays. Mrs P is disabled so we need to get here really early to get a spot.
If it was just me I’d get there a lot later.
Literally takes up the whole day nowadays.

VFM yesterday though!

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A busy Sainsburys car park and a Beemer with knob plates was only going to end one way.

For clarity, the Golf was still moving.


Dickhead parked on double yellows and across the dropped kerb last night outside a Post Office:

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Failed Herbie stunt?

Artwork apparently, in Parco Scultura La Palomba nr Matera in Italy. Couple of friends there posted it this morning.

Surprising, I had money on it being the American desert and a coyote being in the car.

Spaghetti Western?

Bloody hell I thought that was someone I used to work with but his penis plate is/was A1PSX as he made a lot of money writing PlayStation 1 games which was codenamed the PSX.
He was more of an Audi driver though.

Other side of the bridge to the next village. Depth markers show it at two foot deep, and there are road closed signs and barriers.
One end of the footpath is now a few inches deep in water as well.

This is usually the last of the local bridges to flood. The other ones are much worse.


Excellent effort :+1:

The path between the high and low Peabody estates local to me. A regular walk.

Can’t park there mate.

How, or indeed why, anyone got a car down there is beyond me.