Park like a cunt (and other driving fuckwittery)

It may also be frightened of the overly aggressive white Merc (?) that’s right on the line of the next bay - I wouldn’t blame the little fella…

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I hate bullies, it’ll be fine when it grows up.


Was this in Glasgow?

Yes. Merrylee

Not exactly a hotbed for joyriding. Wonder what happened?

I reckon they came down the hill opposite a bit fast and hit black ice.

This is the road outside my house and they’re not exaggerating - cars either flipped over or at least completely written off are not at all uncommon.

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Nothing new here , Chunnel

Today’s carnage.

This is the usual MO, parked on both sides, people drive like idiots. You only have to misjudge it by a few inches and you plough into a parked car.


No blue badge displayed… Various mental impairments?!

Looking at the absolute state of that shitbox, I’d speculate visual impairments.

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I walked past this a bit closer this morning.

The Most Egregious Cockspangle driving not only just ploughed into a parked car, he hit it so hard that it’s been shunted along and done serious damage to the next car, and he’s somehow banjoed the lamp post as well (which Lambeth were in the middle of replacing).

Still not as impressive as the one on the opposite side of the crossroads earlier in the year when the oncoming car hit with such force that it tore the rear wheel clean off a ('22 plate IIRC) Defender :man_facepalming:

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I wonder if as well as lack of skillz, it is something to do with shite tyres; the number of wrapped; slammed and tinted ‘rides’ I see with cheap shitty Twatbadger Lanemaster XL tyres quite remarkable…

Potentially, but I believe that the most significant problem here is people doing 60 in a 20 limit.

Yes; definitely a major contributary factor…

See it most days at work; as I’ve said before, our buses are seen as rolling roadblocks as a number are fitted with intelligent speed assist.

These buses cannot speed!


The role of buses in urban traffic planning is to slow down traffic enough for buses to be an option…

There’s also Extreme Stupidity.

There was a really nasty early morning crash in almost exactly the same place a couple of years ago.

As he was pulling her out of the car, the driver told my octogenarian neighbour that she had been trying to change her shoes while driving and her foot got stuck with the accelerator floored :laughing:


That kinda makes sense; except that the area I was referring to- with the dangerous overtaking and speeding- is a salubrious suburb; relatively few people board or alight on that part of the route. :sunglasses:

:joy: Fucking hell…

I regularly see eating, applying make-up or shaving, watching videos but your example takes the fucking biscuit! :joy:

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